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How can I discover for myself the true meaning of the teachings of people like Jesus?

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I have heard Leo saying many times that the religions are metaphors to point people towards enlightenment. It's an interesting idea, how can I realize this, how does one evaluate the messages to realize it's true meaning?

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There is Christ consciousness and Buddha consciousness that transcends time and space. You can tap into the selfless love and wisdom that they embodied. There aren't any books that will help you. You have to look inside and love the devil inside you ultimately.

They are you after all.

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@AminB501 Look at religious teachings with the understanding of what exactly God and the Devil is, and also a good understanding of spirituality in general. Then most of the things in there become easy to decipher. Some of it might have been changed or misinterpreted by ego or influenced by the culture at the time, so be careful with taking things too literally.

Describe a thought.

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The challenge is inherent, in that books and teachers are all pointers to. None can actually tell you the truth, as you are literally the only potential decoder.

The game is already afoot.



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Okay well what everyone else already said is great but here are some down to earth ideas:

Meditation: Your biggest obstacle to this type of wisdom is your own mind, the ego. The ego is like a film which reality is interpreted through but it is heavily biased and full of projections. You need this film to become transparent if you’re seriously interested in the wisdom of these teachers. There is perhaps no greater tool than daily meditation. Spending long amounts of time in silence, boredom and concentration will work towards removing this film, and letting reality shine through. 1 hour per day. 

Contemplation: You need to learn to contemplate into the nature reality. As other’s have said, reading books wont help you, the insight and wisdom is already inside. Id recommend applying Leo’s “Contemplating Using a Journal” technique, it’s extremely effective if you apply it. Again, daily. Make it part of your daily spiritual work. Most of your free time needs to be at least passively contemplating, letting questions churn in the mind. The world is always available to examine and deeply wonder about. 

Psychedelics: If you can utilize the power of psychedelics, do so. These will help permanently open your mind up to levels of consciousness you cannot fathom. While the experiences are transitory, they also seem to leave energetic imprints. This has been my experience anyway. They will take your meditation and contemplation work and amplify them massive levels while also empowering your normal, daily sober work. 

The most foundational principle you need with this is persistence. You need daily exposure to meditation and contemplation to create lasting, enduring changes to your consciousness. Be patient, results will ebb and flow, backslide, and exponentially increase all in cycles across time. Just focus and the work and let your being grow. 

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By assimilating all of it (without forming any concrete beliefs) and then using the info in your self inquiry. 

Check out my lucid dreaming anthology series, Stars of Clay  

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