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Personal Insights From 100+ Trips

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My personal insights from more than 100 plant medicine journeys, mostly Mushrooms, Ayahuasca and Shamburi.

These are truths that I found to be true in my personal experience. I really hope it will help someone on their journey home.


Soul is home.

The most important thing in life is to stay connected to your Soul.

Feelings are the Soul.

To reconnect with your soul's song is to discover who you really are.

Your Soul's song is calling you home.

Plants expand consciousness and allow you to experience the connection to your Soul.

Plant medicine dieta is one of the best ways to connect to your Soul and receive healing, guidance and wisdom for the Earthly and spiritual realms

Plant medicine dieta is the best way to receive guidance for the time after the soul departs the physical body



"Word made flesh". I'm an immaculate, pristine consciousness beyond the body and mind.

Consciousness is not linear. It's swirling, spiraling, and multidimensional.

Each human is a unique version of the Universe

Reality is made of intelligent consciousness.

Rational, logical, masculine, cerebral mind is one perception in the infinite ocean of feminine, cerebellar consciousness

Beyond logical mind's stories, symbols and images, there is consciousness.



Color is the most powerful symbol.

I'm not my thoughts

The idea of Unity was entwined with many fearful stories of the mind

Reading "Womb Awakening" is one of the best ways to integrate mystical experiences

Stories and emotions are strongly associated with different colors and color combinations.

Take great care what stories you believe, they become your reality.

Most religious stories that people believe are not true

The most important thing during shamanic ceremony is to keep the mind centered


Healing with Plant Medicines

Pain and suffering are transformed into ecstasy and joy in the process of healing

Fear is transformed into ecstatic laughter

The deepest healing is opening to love, ecstasy and joy

Joy and laughter is the best medicine

Opening up the heart to love is a very delicate process that shouldn't be rushed

Breath-heart connection is a very powerful way to open and release pain and grief accumulated in the heart

Body sensation, rather than intense emotion, is the key to healing trauma.

Large doses of psychedelics are not necessary to heal

Shamburi is the best medicine to re-program fearful stories of the mind, it works in the gentlest ways and is best for beginners

It's most likely impossible to gain wisdom and understanding about the true nature of reality without plant medicines

It's most likely impossible to heal root cause of traumas without plant medicines

Looking at medicine art designs (eg: Shipibo tapestry) is one of the best ways to keep the mind focused and centered during shamanic journey and is a very powerful way to heal, especially good for beginners

Tarot cards that resonate most with your soul are very helpful in the process of spiritual healing and awakening

Smudging the self and space with palo santo or sage is very helpful before the shamanic journey - calms emotional body and mind, purifies negative energies

Gentle breathing awareness technique (gently blowing out the air on exhale and gently sucking the air in on inhale) is the best way to keep the mind centered, while connecting to emotions and focusing on healing the body during the plant medicine journey

Connecting to body's feelings through gentle breathing during the shamanic journey is one of the best ways to heal with plant medicines

Adding gentlest humming possible to the gentle breathing technique by blending the breath with the sound of the hum, while connecting to emotions is one way to reconnect with the "Soul's song" and heal physical and emotional trauma

Humming and singing during the ceremony is one of the most powerful ways to unlock the natural, authentic voice.

Opening your voice is one of the most powerful ways to heal yourself and heal other people

Learning plant medicine songs is one of the most powerful ways to heal physical, emotional and spiritual body and become your own healer

Inhaling essential oils releases body's tension and removes other uncomfortable body load sensations which makes the journey a lot more pleasant and healing

Spiritual model of Fire, Water, Earth, Air is the best way to stay calm with potent body energies during shamanic journey

Listen to your body's intelligence, it's always speaking to you, learn it's needs and wants.

Opening of the third eye during the shamanic journey can feel like a "loss of consciousness" and "insanity", because it's beyond the rational mind

Keeping the hands on the body helps to stay grounded in the body during the plant medicine journey

Keeping the hands on the body helps to focus the healing on those parts of the body

It's possible to navigate plant medicine journeys effectively without getting stuck in confusion, fear and mind loops

Singing to the plant that you're taking for dieting reasons is the best way to create strong relationship with that plant for healing, guidance and wisdom

Putting the hands together in prayer position while resting the arms on the body is a very powerful way to balance the energy, get grounded in the body and and center the mind during the journey

Healing takes time


The greatest fear is created from the masculine, logical, cerebral mind thinking he is God and that true self is a physical body in a mechanic Universe

Fear of death is - logical mind disconnected from the Source of creation. Stories about death. Fear of losing the body. Fear of losing the mind. Fear of Unity.


The most important book for humanity at this time is called "Womb Awakening"

Womb is the source of life

Beauty is a road map home

Love is joy

Life is a love story





Journal of Jesus Christ -


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Great read, thank you! 

My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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