
Leo saying sadhguru is not awake

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@pluto @Leo Gura Both of you have to be examples to most people here who do not have that level of understanding and those mystical experiences.

They lack that and have hard time grasping all this.

God is all loving you kinda forget that sometimes. 

Be examples if you know more then help more. In the end it's all you. Love actually not be prideful. 

(hope I do not get banned lol). 

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2 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

The problem with mahasamadhi is that it doesn't really lend itself to documentation. If you're doing it, you will not give a damn about this world. You are basically choosing to destroy the dream world in favor of pure Infinity. So there will be no one to benefit from your documentation. Not to mention it's hard to post a video of yourself killing yourself. YouTube would shut it down.

Back at ya.

I think I reached a point with 5-MeO-DMT in which a mahasamadhi might be possible -- if one really wanted to push for it.

Of course this is unproven.

It took me about 80 trips. The mind becomes so indifferent to all differences that seems to mirror Sadhguru's descriptions of what mahasamadhi requires: a totally equanimus mind which does not differentiate between anything.

Maybe, but that's not what I understand currently. I understand it to be permanent pure Infinity/Love, and that's the end. The dream world is transcended and realized to never have existed.

The is to escape the dream world is to realize that it's only function was to teach you that reality is LOVE. Once this is fully recognized, that's it! The function of the dream world has been achieved. It was only a staging ground for the ultimate self-realization. Everything is Absolute Infinity. Period. This level of consciousness gives you complete omniscience.

Maybe Nirvana is now, but also there might be a higher Nirvana which is formeless, Pure Infinity/Love. The end of all striving and struggle. Just pure Consciousness.

Absolute state of Consciousness been there so many times same as you. 

It's a trap. You warned me in past for same thing. Love Everything absolutelly Everything. 

There is no struggle and you know it. C'mon just pls we all have hard times with this sometimes not different then you. I love you I love you so much and I know what have you've really been through. I so love you and I understand. 

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@zeroISinfinity Do you deny then that Mahasamadhi is a thing?

Seems hard to deny that.

I'm not saying you should do it. Just saying it's a possibility.

I would not be talking about it unless I had been thrust into it, and had to seriously evaluate where this is a place I want to go. Not a thing you want to stumble into by accident.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Leo Gura You can feel that exact thing as YOU not hidden. 

If you do not beleive me ask @Nahm.

When you enter absolute state and when you "return" it seems like a second passed no matter how long you've been there. 

Break that duality man. 

Accept all Love all. 

There are so many traps with this it is not easy we both know this. 

We gave our lifes sir. So you know time to grow up and accept that and be in service what else we can do. 

It's your mind sneakily BS you in background.

Maturity you were right about that. 

I love you. 


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6 minutes ago, zeroISinfinity said:

When you enter absolute state and when you "return" it seems like a second passed no matter how long you've been there.


But maybe there is a purer, deeper level?

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Leo Gura There is no and you know it c'mon. 

Don't fall into this traps. 

Maybe you should change focus a bit, it is hurting you same as me. 

You took large burden in some sense on yourself. You've done well and your ❤️ is pure but you know kinda do some stuff you really like, that you liked when you were "devil" get out of this for some time period. 

Take rest heal man. Heal from non duality too. You know "normal" stuff. 

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47 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

had to seriously evaluate where this is a place I want to go. Not a thing you want to stumble into by accident

No one ever would want to go for it willingly probably. :D

This desire for mukti has to come organically, it cames at the last stage of evolution once you experience the limitations of the physical, and once you're beyond suffering, only then a desire to end your existance becomes a possibility.

Sadhguru explains this very beautifully.

#suffering will not seek

Edited by Salvijus

Imagine for a moment, dear friends, that you are Conciousness, and that you have only this one awareness - that you are at peace, and that you are. 


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@Leo Gura Oh, please, don’t forget to pre-pay your website before you’ll decide to transcend everything! :D

When you’ll return to making more videos, please post the second part about the understanding and abstract thinking! ❤️

Does your God-realization relative to Spiral Dynamics Stage Turquoise?

Or do you consider that God-realization is different from these model?

Do you have any intuitions about the next stage of Ego/Spiral Dynamics/Maslow Pyramid Development?

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2 hours ago, zeroISinfinity said:

@pluto be nice, drop that arrogance for God's sake. He is you it's all love. 

Yes you can fully awake like fully fully with meditation that's a bit of mislead from Leo but I guess it's very rare and you know what I am very greatful for it. 5-meo will cut time and it is more effective people meditate for 20 years(winter soldier ☺️) and never really awaken. 

3 years of meditation for full awakening and all sort of mystical experences in btw so it's possible but takes time so why not cut it. 

There is no arrogance in play. You do not innerstand the level spoken through the vessel and your message is flawed.

There is no such thing as cut-time. All is now, all else is illusory.

If you were fully awakened you would understand the level of consciousness/play i project.



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That is more awake and honest than leaving it ambiguous if someone is awake or not when that person's teachings show they aren't, true skepticism doesn't mean you're giving too much leniency to someone when their teachings don't show that they're awake

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1 hour ago, Salvijus said:

No one ever would want to go for it willingly probably. :D

Yea has to be in that state for it.  Takes a lot of work to get there even.

Lahiri Mahasaya had done it, Paramahansa Yogananda has done it and I have read somewhere Paramahamsa Hariharananda has done it They have set a prior date to the event and have achieved total Mahasamadhi infront of an audience too.

Sadhguru's wife has done the same too.

Edited by Pacific Sage

Form is emptiness, emptiness is form.


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26 minutes ago, zeroISinfinity said:

@pluto pls man just.... Just pls. Don't. 

I am not man, i am supreme :D

Chill dude we are playing, never stop playing, you miss everything in seriousness.


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I AM is ultimate Truth of whole thing. 

I have question for @Leo Gura if you really transcendes all differences.

Honest response pls. 

Ok on that sofa is smoking hot witch girl horny and ready for your foot long dick and on other end of a room is ex convict gay black 6 feet tall bodybuilder with foot long dick too ready to you know penetrate you. 

What would you choose. 

(sorry for being so wierd but you get the point) 

Don't lie. 

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13 minutes ago, pluto said:

I am not man, i am supreme :D

Chill dude we are playing, never stop playing, you miss everything in seriousness.

No I don't. I love and that's it. 

Yes I do speak sometimes from relative because I love it all. Have full understanding and have love for every single of "them" because they are all me.

Don't want to be non dualistic fucking snob all the fucking time. 

Edited by zeroISinfinity

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Here's something ironic, Sadhguru talks about mahasamadhi around a Yogi he met and his wife. 

Essentially it's leaving the body consciously when you are ready to and want to, without waiting for an illness or old age to lead to your death, so it is very much something you have to be willing and want to do. 

I feel you have a lot more to give Leo before you leave this reality, but then again it's completely up to you. Most people tend to be old of course, but many are young who do this, such as Sadhguru's wife, it usually comes in the form of a desire that your work here is done, and it's time to move on. 

However, for most of us we won't be ready for or want this. I know I don't yet! 

So, it's best to focus on living life the best we can and integrating this understanding in all areas of life, and most importantly having fun and enjoying life! 



'One is always in the absolute state, knowingly or unknowingly for that is all there is.' Francis Lucille. 

'Peace and Happiness are inherent in Consciousness.' Rupert Spira 

“Your own Self-Realization is the greatest service you can render the world.” Ramana Maharshi

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@Pacific Sage yes yes :) life is amazing and full of great beings indeed :)


Edited by Salvijus

Imagine for a moment, dear friends, that you are Conciousness, and that you have only this one awareness - that you are at peace, and that you are. 


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32 minutes ago, zeroISinfinity said:

I have question for @Leo Gura if you really transcendes all differences.

Honest response pls. 

Ok on that sofa is smoking hot witch girl horny and ready for your foot long dick and on other end of a room is ex convict gay black 6 feet tall bodybuilder with foot long dick too ready to you know penetrate you. 

What would you choose. 

(sorry for being so wierd but you get the point) 

Don't lie. 

If you transcend all differences, none of those physical difference would exist. So it would be irrelevant.

God don't care who it fucks or doesn't fuck.

There is no difference between a vagina and a roll of toilet paper. Only does the ego-mind imagine a difference.

15 minutes ago, Salvijus said:

But you would still come back in another form as long as you have some unfinished buiseness to do. Why do you think you can't sustain those states of nonduality? Because of unprocessed karma, that's why. This is according to scriptures of course.

Just not clear. The problem is too few people have done it to really know. And I would never trust some 1000 year old dogma on the matter.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Leo Gura But right now. You will pick smoking hot girl. (you bet my man I will do it too with no remorse or hesitation 1/1 honest response) 

Like @Nahm like to say it's a "phase" and if you really are honest it came from thinking. Contemplating it.

So listen to him and "it seems I am right about this" thing. Just str8 leave it. 

I wanted same thing more then anything so you are not alone facinf that. But you will get through that you know why. Because you are fucking God and you are strong and robust as fuck. 

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