
My first Psilocybin trip, oh boy.

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   Hello forum, after much struggle I finally got some shrooms and worked the courage to try it out. I was tempted not to share and typically keep insights to myself that were personal, but my close friend persuaded me otherwise to share this one. 

   I researched a bit, and the suggested dose was 1.5 grams. I instead took 1 gram because I like whole numbers and am a chicken with new experiences in life. Also, I went to a room I double checked for safety, secured it, took out objects I don't like/ have negative association, and put objects I liked. I also had my best friend as a trip sitter. I trust her enough to babysitting me in this trip. I didn't include trip music, because I wanted pure experience of it.

   After taking the shrooms, during the 15 minutes I was lying down doing some form of letting go, letting go of what I expect about this mushroom, calming myself down in case something from my past crops up in trip. My experience with meditation and mindfulness was helpful.

   Around 25-30 minute mark, it hit me. I began to see the colours around my room brighten up and saw light patterns forming, not just on the walls but on my arms and spreading out around my body I'm seeing. I also felt my heart race a bit and felt really happy and surprised about my body. I wasn't expecting it to be very bright and lively! I lost track of time and began to walk around the room, smiling at the lamp, the cabinets and my friend like an idiot! I think it's comparable to some of my visualization sessions but the quality was so high! I had some minor insights into what colours are and what feeling emotional really feels like. Like just wow! I haven't felt this strongly happy for a while. I don't know what happened next, but my friend started humming and the colours started glowing from bright to dim and the walls had ripples on it, like it's not a typical wall I know anymore!

   I think roughly half an hour later I was coming down a bit and decided to lie down and it felt so relaxing to lie down. I think I drifted off to sleep. When I woke up, I was happily giving flake to my friend for not being quiet, but she just shrugged. Wether she did it or I hallucinated the humming I don't know. Anyways hoped this experience is interesting for you and maybe some inspiration to trip. I might trip again next week, the week after or next month. See you all later!


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Low doses psilocibyn/LSD is just a recreational drug (5-meo-dmt isn't), so no wonder you felt good. I'm not judging you, just warning you. Don't misinterpret a "drug induced high" with anything spiritual, like many people do nowadays because of rampant misinformation. 5 dried grams my ass, Mckenna smoked cannabis "furiously" after ingesting that low-medium dose.

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5 minutes ago, Arzack said:

Low doses psilocibyn/LSD is just a recreational drug (5-meo-dmt isn't), so no wonder you felt good. I'm not judging you, just warning you. Don't misinterpret a "drug induced high" with anything spiritual, like many people do nowadays because of rampant misinformation. 5 dried grams my ass, Mckenna smoked cannabis "furiously" after ingesting that low-medium dose.

   Oh ok. Thanks for the information. I guess I'm more sensitive. This is a first for me.

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