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Hard to swallow truth

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Most of us agree that many gurus/Buddhas from the past and present were/are enlightened.

But look at their teachings: why do they differ? 

You could say: 'they all said/say that you should meditate'.

Well ok, but for how many hours a day? And which technique is best exactly? Why is there no consistency on these matters?


There are brand new information on these matters in later years, thanks to two things: "channeling" from "ascended masters" and the internet (which enabled sharing these teachings to the masses).

But you can't expect these new teachings to spread like wildfire all of a sudden, because most people tend to follow what's most popular at the moment (no judgments here, that's how we'd been brainwashed to act from birth by this unenlightened society).


After studying these new "channelings" intensively I would like to share the most unknown/underrated information:

1) The soul/consciousness evolves by going through multiple lives/reincarnations (google The Michael Teachings Soul Age for details).

2) The soul moves to the astral plane after each death. We think that modern-day-drugs make the death process painless, but after clinical death the soul doesn't cut its tie to the body immediately, so in short we'll feel the emotional and physical pain of our body being cremated, slowly decaying in a coffin, or cut in to pieces to donate the organs (yes, I know, FUCK!!!).

3) Although The Michael Teachings state that we evolve by completing all the "Internal Monads" (stages within each life) in the "positive pole", I think this is a "planned deception" (the ascended masters don't want to disrupt society by causing too much suffering to old people). In my opinion, these moments of intense suffering are the actual way the soul evolves.

4) Although many teachers "attained" without psychedelics, that's only because they were already "very old souls" (many reincarnations).

5) This is the first time in history when we can "shortcut" this process by taking psychedelics, which make us experience this intense suffering without the need to go through multiple reincarnations.


More info and all sources in my subreddit in my signature. The main sources are The Michael Teachings and The Lyricus Discourses though.

Edited by Arzack

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