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Mindfulness While Talking

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Maybe it is kind of an addiction, but I talk a lot.

I talk about myself, nature, my interests, even other people so I realize afterwards I wasn't mindful at all. I am okay practicing awareness in other activities, but in talking it is just mindless stuff that comes out of my mouth.

any tips or advice or reading suggestions?

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Pause before you speak.  Move focus to some other object, (breath, clock ticking, etc) and let the thoughts come from there.

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Maybe it is a good idea to start being mindful while listening to other people. I believe this is easier to accomplish. What I mean is focusing 100% to the person that you are listening to, noticing voice tone, intonations, choice of words, body language and so on. It makes conversations much more exciting and other person feels that you are centered and is more likely to naturally give his full attention to you. Having a conversation with a quality like this might help being more mindful when you are talking. I believe it is much like a muscle - the more you practice the more mindfulness you will have.

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Thank you, @Mal and@Darius Lt , these are some really good ideas. I talk quite fast. I can sometimes reduce my speed when I am translating from another language in my mind, but otherwise I talk very fast in both languages I speak. I will try to pause instead of getting caught in the moment. And observing the other also seems quite powerful, I'll try it out as well.

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I do not think that talking fast is necessarily a bad thing. Maybe it is just an expression of your personality which is perfectly fine. Generally the way people talk represents the way they think therefore if you meditate and work on your awareness the way you talk might slow down naturally. If it doesn't that is fine. My guess is that you are high energy person. If I were you I would not force myself to talk slower but as @Mal said making pauses is a good idea and it might help you (or anyone else for that matter) to express thoughts in a more constructive way.

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8 hours ago, Pelin said:

Maybe it is kind of an addiction, but I talk a lot.

I talk about myself, nature, my interests, even other people so I realize afterwards I wasn't mindful at all. I am okay practicing awareness in other activities, but in talking it is just mindless stuff that comes out of my mouth.

any tips or advice or reading suggestions?

Have you ever considered becoming a politician? xD j/ k

Sounds like your 'monkey mind' is about to be tamed - daily meditations and practicing mindfulness will do the job.    

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17 minutes ago, Pelin said:

Thank you, @Mal and@Darius Lt , these are some really good ideas. I talk quite fast. I can sometimes reduce my speed when I am translating from another language in my mind, but otherwise I talk very fast in both languages I speak. I will try to pause instead of getting caught in the moment. And observing the other also seems quite powerful, I'll try it out as well.

What matters is not expressing anything, mindfulness is about seeing that there is nothing doing the talking -that it's just happening..

The great misconception about all this is that there is something there to improve itself. 

There isn't!

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Thank you for this topic , I wanted to learnt the same @Pelin

54 minutes ago, Mal said:

The great misconception about all this is that there is something there to improve itself. 


3 hours ago, Darius Lt said:

the more you practice the more mindfulness you will have.

I am still in process of learning what exactly the mindfulness is , and how will it be when I develop it in proper way ?

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@Natasha I am a teacher, and there is something called TTT, teacher's talking time and the optimal condition is where it is low and Students TT is more. And very interestingly, I am as mindful as I can be while talking as a teacher. And I do my best to be mindful while students are speaking. Yet I cannot apply it to my daily speech. But maybe realising it is a step :)

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5 minutes ago, Pelin said:

@Natasha I am a teacher, and there is something called TTT, teacher's talking time and the optimal condition is where it is low and Students TT is more. And very interestingly, I am as mindful as I can be while talking as a teacher. And I do my best to be mindful while students are speaking. Yet I cannot apply it to my daily speech. But maybe realising it is a step :)

As you pointed correctly excessive talking is a habit and the only way to break a habit is by quiet sitting:


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