
The Journal of a Traveler Searching for the Ox - Part 1 - Becoming a Bulldog

38 posts in this topic

Yesterday's Checklist

✅ 1x Meditation

❌ 2x Meditation

❌ No porn/masturbation

❌ Exercise

✅ Python advanced class topics

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Yesterday's Checklist

✅ 2x Meditation

❌ No porn/masturbation

✅ Exercise

✅ Python Exception Handling

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Yesterday's Checklist

✅ 2x Meditation

❌ No porn/masturbation

✅ Exercise

✅ Started studying message authentication codes


Week's Checklist

❌ Message Authentication Codes

❌ Digital Signatures

✅ Python Advanced Class topics

✅ Python Exception Handling

❌ Django Basics

❌ UI Design


This week's plan:

I'm going to measure the time I spend easy day in addition to what I accomplish that day.

My goal is to work for 10 pomodoros every day.


  • Message Authentication Codes
  • Successfully take workshop on JavaScript
  • Finish frontend and backend of remote code execution API
  • Finish an online course
  • Learn one new competitive programming concept
Edited by Seeker_of_truth
Change goals

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Yesterday's Checklist

✅ 2x Meditation

✅ No porn/masturbation

✅ Exercise

Study Message Authentication Code - 3 pomodoros

Plan and Prepare for workshop - 4 pomodoros

Total:  7/10 pomodoros


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Yesterday's Checklist

✅ 1x Meditation

❌ 2x Meditation

✅ No porn/masturbation

❌ Exercise

Prepare and Test live streaming for workshop - 7 pomodoros

Remote Code Execution API - 2 pomodoros

Total:  9/10 pomodoros

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Yesterday's Checklist

✅ 1x Meditation

❌ 2x Meditation

✅ No porn/masturbation

❌ Exercise

Test live streaming for workshop - 6 pomodoros

Remote Code Execution API - 2 pomodoros

Total:  8/10 pomodoros

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Yesterday's Checklist

✅ 1x Meditation (Good Quality)

❌ 2x Meditation

✅ No porn/masturbation

❌ Exercise

✅ Successfully take workshop on JavaScript (6 pomodoros)


Total Pomodoros: 6/10



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4 days its been, huh.... I just lost the motivation to work on my goals. Ever since I read Mark Manson's book I had a lot of questions bugging me. I need to re-read my notes and really understand it better. In the book, Mark talks what freedom is - to choose your pain. I realized that there is a difference between working hard for something you want and something you don't want. Both are hard work but in one you are willing to go through the pain and in the other not. It hit me at that point. People I've been following - they recommend hard work but is it to work hard on something you want or it doesn't matter what you want, what matters is to learn to work irrespective of whether you like it or not. So I asked the question here: 

I don't know if I worded it properly for others to understand... But this is what I've been thinking about for these days. More than thinking, I've been trying to feel what is it that I should do. I just watched Leo's new episode now. And it made me feel that what I should do when I do the work I hate is I should love it. This might most probably be just a stupid interpretation of what Leo actually meant. Heck I might not even know what the Love he means is. I don't know but it feels like that this is what I should do. I know positive feelings happen when someone approves of your line of thought so they mean nothing. But I see no harm in trying this out. I'm making up so much justification because I'm a rational person and I know if another rational person is going to read this, they'll think how stupid I am because even a part of me thinks I am stupid to think that I'm going to get some profound answer by watching some dude talking on youtube about some experience I don't even know is true. I'm feel like I'm just sounding more idiotic line by line. But I'm going to let it be there to let you know how idiotic the person is, whose journal you are reading right now. I don't even know why I put gautama buddha as my profile picture, it should be a donkey. Okay, enough of self-degradation, I know I'm an idiot and I made sure the reader knows it too now, just in case they had any doubt. Moving on....

Last Week's Goals:

❌Message Authentication Codes

✅ Successfully take workshop on JavaScript

❌Finish frontend and backend of remote code execution API

❌Finish an online course

❌Learn one new competitive programming concept


Time to get back on the productivity track. With the new technique up my sleeve, I feel empowered to take on this week.

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  • 1x Meditation
  • I don't remember for how much hours I've been coding yesterday, definitely exceed 10 pomodoros.

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I've not posting for a long time because I was confused and I was going with the flow. I didn't feel like setting goals and working towards it, I just did things when I wanted to. Now that I'm bit more clear on what I want, I can go back to the productive mode.

So I've decided to focus on 2 things from now - Coding and Studying. What I'll be doing is focusing on them alternatively for the whole day. Every 3rd day, I'll be spending a bit more time on meditation.

Today is coding day and I've coded for 2.75 hrs.

✅ 1x Meditation

❌ No porn/masturbation

❌ Exercise


Edited by Seeker_of_truth

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Spent around 2-3 hrs learning django.

✅ 1x Meditation

✅ No porn/masturbation

❌ Exercise

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I'm back again! What happened was I wasn't motivated to do the stuff that I wanted to do and I wasn't sure if this is what I really wanted to do. What I've realized is that doing what I planned to do earlier ensures the best possible outcome from my knowledge. I've identified two feelings: 

  1. The feeling of doubt of whether I'm doing the right thing.
  2. The feeling of laziness - its like I really want to do something but I'm just lazy to do it.

I think contemplating on the first kind is a good thing. Whether that doubt was right or wrong, it can bring things into proper perspective and that is why even though I've not been much productive for the past two weeks, I've gained a slightly better perspective and so I don't feel like those days have been wasted. But the second kind is mostly a temporary feeling. I've found some ways to counter that:

  1. To start doing it just a little bit. Starting to do is usually the hard part, so if I ask myself to do it just a little bit, I may find that I can actually keep doing it.
  2. Find / Reconnect with what used to make me joyful doing that thing. Its always easier to do something when its done as an end in itself and not as a means to an end.
  3. I've found that how I start the day is crucial. If I start the day participating in mind-numbing activities, I tend to want that for the rest of the day. I've found listening to some specific songs/music puts me in an equanimous state of mind. So I'm spending some time listening to them at the beginning of my day.

Now that I have a feeling that what I'm doing is the right thing and I've managed to reconnect with the joy of doing what I'm doing, I think I now capable of doing more. Also I feel better keeping my goals more general and deciding on the specifics just before actually doing it.

My goals for today:

  • Placement preparation
  • Study
  • Isha Kriya
  • 3 x 10 minutes concentration meditation
  • Mindfulness with labeling - 20 minutes

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  • Placement preparation (4)
  • Study (1)
  • Isha Kriya (2)
  • 2 x 10 minutes concentration meditation (3)
  • Mindfulness with labeling - 20 minutes (3)

*The numbers inside the parentheses indicate how pleased I am with how I've performed a task on a scale of 1-5

Goals for today:

  • Study
  • Isha Kriya
  • 3 x 10 minutes concentration meditation
  • 20 minutes Mindfulness with labeling

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  • Study (3.75)
  • Isha Kriya (4)
  • 1 x 30 minutes concentration meditation (3)
  • 20 minutes Mindfulness with labeling (4)

*The numbers inside the parentheses indicate how pleased I am with how I've performed a task on a scale of 1-5

Goals for today:

  • Study
  • Isha Kriya
  • 3 x 10 minutes of concentration meditation
  • 20 minutes of mindfulness with labeling

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  • Study (4)
  • Isha Kriya (2.5)
  • 1 x 30 minutes concentration meditation (1) - Didn't do
  • 20 minutes Mindfulness with labeling (1) - Didn't do

Was very tired yesterday, as I didn't sleep properly.

Goals for today:

  • Study
  • Isha Kriya
  • 3 x 10 minutes of concentration meditation
  • 20 minutes of mindfulness with labeling



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  • Study (1.5)  - Didn't study much
  • Isha Kriya (3)
  • 1 x 30 minutes concentration meditation (2.5)
  • 20 minutes Mindfulness with labeling (2)

Goals for today:

  • Code
  • Study
  • Isha Kriya
  • 3 x 10 minutes of concentration meditation
  • 20 minutes of mindfulness with labeling

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  • Code (3)
  • Study (2.5)
  • Isha Kriya (2.5)
  • 3 x 10 minutes of concentration meditation (1) - Didn't do
  • 20 minutes of mindfulness with labeling (1) - Didn't do

Goals for today:

  • Study [At least 2 topics]
  • Isha Kriya
  • 3 x 10 minutes of concentration
  • 20 minutes of mindfulness with labeling

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  • Study [At least 2 topics] (1) - Didn't do
  • Isha Kriya (1) - Didn't do
  • 3 x 10 minutes of concentration (1) - Didn't do
  • 20 minutes of mindfulness with labeling (1) - Didn't do
  • Code (4)

Goals For Today:

  • Study
  • Isha Kriya
  • Code

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