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thoughts whilst self isolating

3 posts in this topic

Nothing like a pandemic to make you realise the unimportance of material things!  

I have lost the desire of buying things now that the future is so uncertain right now.  I know a lot of people are going to be the same.  Also, why buy new clothes etc. when you aren't gonna be going out anywhere or know how long you have to stay inside?  It makes you realise just how much people buy things to impress others.  if nobody is gonna see you then you have nobody to impress right?

It's gonna be interesting to see everything go on discount soon.  People are gonna need incentive to start buying stuff again.  People aren't just gonna start splashing cash again when this is over..  It just goes to show how much of a consumerist society we live in.  As soon as the  consuming stops everything starts to fall..  

Also the people who use instagram to make money from advertising,  I wonder how that will be affected if the followers are no longer buying what they are promoting.  will people even care anymore?  People now have bigger fish to fry.

I know that I'm only gonna be buying the essentials for the foreseeable future.  This is gonna be a wake up call for me, as Im sure it will be for many others.   




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@intotheblack i bet you have only 5t‘s and all are black ;) 

if nobody is gonna see you, there is still somebody to impress.

(sorry, you seem to be a person i know - but i can’t see you, what makes it more suspicious)

also bet you are right in some sense but people value differently what is essential for them.

Edited by remember
at least a little bit probably - sorry teasing, if so its kind of impressing but difficult to replicate, you would not want a clone colony, probably

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@intotheblack sorry for the directness. its a good chance to reflect on that which is essential - maybe we could think about what then is essential. on one hand we have this possibility of a minimalistic lifestyle - and on the other hand we have the possibility of a reduced still abundant lifestyle. the confrontation with the actual situation will probably rise a question about the how but will not automatically give an adequate response. your ability to limit yourself is not everyones ability to limit themselves - your ability to expand is not everyone’s ability to expand. 

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