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Covid 19 & new job

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Going back to a factory job i took up earlier last year cause i need money to fix my car and to save up for a new apartment in near town. Right now i live off the grid in the middle of the desert near las vegas. My small town has free food shares so my basic needs are taken care of (food, shelter, with my girlfriend, water well etc). I hear lots of talk of not socializing i wonder if this job is a danger to me because even though i’m pretty isolated when i go to work i could get infected and have trouble reaching medical attention, but i need money for a car to reach medical attention. See the catch-22? Maybe i just don’t wanna work lol it’s a shitty job. What are your guys thought on this whole thing? Any advice for anyone who is young and in this situation? I get a ride to work but i’m not sure those people would be willing to give me a ride if i’m a sickly hag. Not too scared by it honestly but it’s a question nagging me if that situation actually happened 

Edited by UNZARI

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@UNZARI Hey. Sorry if this is going off topic but it's very interesting the way you are living. I remember seeing a documentary called Off The Grid: Life on the Mesa some years ago. How does the free food work? What are your obligations to this town so that you can get free food, water and shelter?

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@Esoteric Well it’s pretty simple and weird. So i am in a way squatting with my girlfriend on her grandpas property, in a house he built (he is dead). The property isn’t currently in our name, but will be in the coming months. We have no rent to pay. As for the food share, there’s zero obligations! I help volunteer sometimes but anyone can put their name on the list and get a box of food. Also the property has a water well that we occasionally pump with a generator and we get water out of the hose and filter it through some little water filter thing we bought at Walmart.

Edited by UNZARI

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