Super strange experience - What the actual fuck

By electroBeam in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God,
Bit spooked. There's still 'kundalini energy' making the hands tremble. So, I've been wanting to try psychedelics proper for the past 2 yrs. I've had significant challenges getting them. So I havent had a trip before, but am so fascinated.   Today i was just fed up. When I get fed up, I like to have a frank conversation with God. He doesn't always give me attention(more accurately, I as God pretend to be caught up in important imaginary things) but when I'm fed up, he does, and always in a big way.   So I sat at my desk, and said the good old mantra "Alright God, stop playing games. I want to know what actually the fuck is going on here." Works every time, too well. I zoned into the present moment, expressing my frustration and disatisfaction in not knowing a few answers. As I zoned into the present moment, expressing sincerety and deep desire to know the answer, felt the kundalini start to vibrate the whole of existence. I heard the typical zing sound hover from the left ear to the right. As I remembered how there is nothing outside of me, and every sensation, thought, colour and sound emenates from the source as imagination, and noticed it all drawn back to pure bliss, I asked, with huge energy and desire "Why the fuck do I want to take psychedelics so badly God!!!!!???? What is it about them that intrigues me so much! What are psychedelics??? what are they!"   As i asked, was the response hahaha. I was there, a human, with a brain, a brain that can imagine things, a brain experiencing reality... that was, until I realized that brain, wasn't a brain, but the entire existence itself. And an answer to my question, was felt in the present moment. There is no world out there, I'm imagining it all. And.... I'm imagining psychedelics. And I'm imagining all of the greatness of the buddha. And I'm imaging all of the greatness of Adyshanti. And I'm imagining all of the greatness of Sadhguru. You could also say, you are the buddha, adyshanti and sadhguru(what the actual fuck).  All of the secrets of the Tamil siddhas, the Tibet practices, all of it, the most enlightening parts of it, are all in your imagination, and they are here right now. Look, there they are, sitting at the heart of consciousness. what the actual fuck.  All of the wisdom of meditation techniques: right there buddy, its creation is right in front of you. And look there's all the people that are practicing them. And look this is how it integrates with the rest of the world and how it forms the God head.  woooow Oh and just to show off. Here are all of their mystical experiences, folded up neatly, and placed cutely in the godhead. whaaaaaaaaaaaaat Psychedelics are in your imagination. Those agar plates in your room growing spores? Imagination, those tubes ready to incubate them? All imagination. All those rules about contamination control and bacteria? Imagination. Oh and here is everything about psychedelics, from its creation, to its plantation, to its usage by the ancients, to now in your room. Do you see it? There it is! Right in front of you, all this time. No I mean, literally the creation, platation and usage, is all compressed into the godhead. Its right there, like God grabbed the shamans, the forest, and their spiritual experiences from the past, folded them infinite times till they were to small to see, and then revealed to me that they were right in front of me. God goes on, All this time you've been wanting to try psychedelics, everything you've ever wanted to know about it and more, has been right under your nose. See how clever that was? What in the actual fucken fucken fucken fuck was that. Oh and here is the future: Here is you eating them, here is you having an experience from them. Look there all of it is, in the heart of consciousness what the actual what the actual what the fuck. That was like seeing the entire universe, be shrunk down onto a table, for me to see. I thought that was going to be the most surreal thing I would ever experience in my entire life... till this happened I was looking at my foot. And I saw all of reality in it. ALL. My fucken foot is a universe. What the what the what the what the actual fucking fuck fuck fuck. That was absolutely shocking. What the actual fuck. My foot is infinite size. It had a trillion galaxies in it. And those trillion galaxies in my food, had a trillion galaxies in them. And it goes on forever. My foot never ends. It has infinite complexity. Literally. You could zoom into my foot and see galaxies in it forever. Holy mother of fuck this is scary. what am i looking at. Omg and then the most shocking thing happened. This isnt just my foot. This is everything. Everything goes on forever. You could zoom in on everything, and it literally is an infinite amount of galaxies. Omg it contains literally beyond everything. I dont know what to say. This is just so different to everything I've experienced. You cannot even remotely describe this. Omg this goes beyond everything you could imagine, including gods and past lives. And just because God must have felt the urge to prove his point, the lights started flickering, the walls started waving, and I started seeing the most ridiculous visuals I've ever seen in my life. Then god ends it with a note: "thats why you wanted to try psychedelics, because this would have happened".   Did I just trip on shrooms, without taking shrooms?   
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