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Is it normal to feel like I never knew anything?

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When I went through schooling, it never felt like I was actually learning. It felt like I was only ever remembering stuff to pass tests. In math class, I was like a robot that just copied all the formulas, placed the numbers in and solved the equation. Like I said, I was just remembering instead of learning. Same goes for all the classes I had. I also kept to myself, mostly stayed in my house. I never felt like I had any close connections to anyone or anything in life. Basically, it's like I was living in this bubble of ignorance up until this point (21y/o). I didn't actually know anything about how anything worked. I just had assumptions and vague ideas or images of what it is. I don't even know how the government works but I would still participate in all this bickering as if I knew what I'm talking about. I saw reality as this black and white thing instead of this complicated work of art. These past 6-ish months, it's felt like I've started off from scratch. It's felt like I didn't know anything. I became very concerned that all the LSD that I've taken has messed up my brain. It's also felt like there must be something wrong with me. Even now, I still have remains of these small concerns with me. It wasn't until these past couple months that I've began to want to experience and learn the world. Just tonight, I found a textbook that I bought in college about government. When reading it, even the most basic things about government felt like it was the first time I was actually learning or understanding it. I'm actually excited to learn and understand this deep complicated work of art.

So, yeah. I feel like I know the answer to my question but with all the (what seems to be) advanced spiritual stuff I'm seeing, I don't think I've read anything relating to this. Which I'm sure there are but I just haven't dug deep enough or put in enough effort to find them. And if what I'm saying doesn't seem like anything close to the spiritual path ('cause I honestly don't know what the spiritual path is anymore), please guide me the right way. Or send me to the insane asylum, whichever is the case. ♥️

Also, if what I'm saying isn't actually insane I'd love to hear your similar past experience or current experience. Thank you.

I got nothing.

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