
Psychedelic drug = energy issues?

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I've spoken to a dozen or so ayurvedic, yogic an qigong/reiki teachers at this point about psychedelic use.

For whatever reason, they are of the opinion that long term use reduces energy resources, and makes you tamasic.

This is by people who have used psychedelics before.

What are the real dangers of psychedelics? What do you need to watch out for? Whats proper technique for using psychedelics for god realization. 


Based on inference, seems like you have to put in a practice like kriya, to build up energy and ensure it doesnt get depleted.

Also seems like you need to watch taking too much. Even if youre a super hero who can handle heaps of shrooms, sounds like it can cause obstruction, damage or disruptions to energy pathways if your dose is too high. Maybe taking lots after small intervals of time should be avoided, and this stuff should be taken only every month and no more?

What spiritual practices need to be in place to ensure psychedelics dont fuck you up long term? Kriya yoga?

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What do you think? 



INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

Cleared out ignore list today. 


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The spiritual practices that make the use of psychedelics obsolete so you can never fuck up your energy :D Anything that stimulates the nervous system requires adequate time to re-balance itself out. If you never allow it to integrate, you can burn yourself out and if you are already getting the message and continuing to do the substance then you are again overstimulating yourself and thus burn-out can occur. The plant teachers ultimately show you what you already are and have within you, learn to generate the state naturally by applying what you realize during the altered-state on a daily basis until the state because your new default state, which already happens after a powerful experience but your resistance to the change leads you back to older programmings. If you fully embody and surrender to the change, you will have less and less need for substance.

There is nothing like the natural state and natural high, it is like having the same deeper level understanding you get from psychedelics but you are crystal clear in mind, body and overall awareness. You can take substance and it wont change your state, it will in-fact dim your state.

This is the supreme state, but ultimately your most natural state, you have just forgotten what comes so natural to you.

Seek Truth, Embody Truth, Rise above all illusion and live Eternally Free!






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1 hour ago, electroBeam said:

What spiritual practices need to be in place to ensure psychedelics dont fuck you up long term? Kriya yoga?

Preparing your system will definatly ensure a lesser damage to your system. Tho the damage is inevitable even if you prepare your system because of the nature of how these substances work. They force the stored reservoir of energy to be released causing momentory big experiences. It's like overcloking your computer 50x times, of course your cpu or something will burn out. Some say it could make a permenant burn out and even set your spiritual progress backwards for lifetimes, depends on the damage you get.

There are many preperatory practices. Most powerful is probably hatha yoga as far as I know. Hatha yoga specificly not some other type.

Use plant psychedelics. Plant substances dont damage the system as much as a synthetic drug would do. Sadhguru sayed this.

Imagine for a moment, dear friends, that you are Conciousness, and that you have only this one awareness - that you are at peace, and that you are. 


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1 hour ago, electroBeam said:

For whatever reason, they are of the opinion that long term use reduces energy resources, and makes you tamasic.

It's a common dogma floating around in the spiritual community.

What you have to take into account is that most spiritual people do not think or investigate anything independently for themselves. They adopt spiritual beliefs which they then justify with a few mystical experiences.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Well, Kundalini also feels a lot like fucking designer drugs sometimes, some stuff you do with your breathing defiently moves energ. I would be skeptic k of that information. The "energy" narrative it's yet another thing constructed onto their dogmas probably.

There is definitely energy. But how do you know which tradicions are the one who really knows what they are talking about?

Edited by Javfly33

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I have a super easy way of finding out truth. I just ask God and feel his still small voice echo in my being. I think it's the same as intuition. The intuition has literally got me to stop all practises recently and replace them with sitting...and just, not practising. I know this will be temporary. I feel the voice so strongly compared to when I originally started listening to it. If I was to cut the bullshit, I know that Leo is doing something that very very few people are doing or have done. Enlightenment itself is extremely rare, and Leo is going further hahahah. I know because I know. Its strange. Anyway, if Leo is going this far...and he says psychedelics are the most powerful...then by fuck, you can bet that I'm going to be taking psychedelics seriously. 5meo is my new favorite

Edited by Aaron p

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Ive had the opposite experience with my continued psychedelic use. They seem to have helped me unlock a reservoir of energy, willpower, and drive I didn’t truly understand. Sure it was always inside me and I didnt need the substances, but the substances have been facilitators nonetheless. I feel more energetically alive since starting them than before.

Id trust your own heart and experience over what you hear. 

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Most of the masters or gurus have not a direct experience by themselfs.But lets say thats this might be a fact.My advise would be to watch how you react to those substances.Lsd made me so aware of the constant differences that i am more aware than ever on which state i am and what harms me.The mindset of the psychedelic use in my opinion is the following:I use the drug to make me completely independed of it(in the future)

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@electroBeam  They haven’t transcended karma yet. Tamasic is judgement, just the ultra-neo-sneakery kind. There is no source of darkness, which is what psychedelics reveal. 

Curious...what’d intuition tell you while you listened to their responses?  Did any happen to elaborate on “energy resources”?



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What are the real dangers of psychedelics?

Psychological addiction for people who can't handle the mundane, normal states of consciousness.

You have to honestly ask why people would take psychedelics on an ongoing, indefinite basis, as opposed to maybe a few times to break blockages.

Always ask what the more likely explanation is -- that the people have a problem and are self-medicating, or that they are some special special being that know more than everyone else and are totally dismissing any drawbacks to continuous use.



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@Haumea2018 What is the solution for the person who is reaching for those higher states of consciousness?

Wouldn't the solution to their problem be finding an alternative state of consciousness that doesn't require the incessant seeking?

Anything you would recommend to that person in spite of psychs would be an alternative form of "self medicating". Unless you're awakened and stabilized, everyone is self medicating to one degree or another.

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@Raptorsin7  The basic conundrum of spiritual seeking is that you are avoiding WHAT IS.

You are repressing emotions, in other words: you are resisting.

This isn't complicated -- there are no higher states to reach for.

Stop resisting negative emotions.

If you feel pain, feel pain.

If you feel sad, feel sad.

You'll feel bad and it will pass.

When you resist, it never passes and then you have to medicate via whatever means (sometimes it's not drugs but other addictions.)

So, just don't be afraid to feel bad.

FEELING BAD is the only way to get to liberation.

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@Haumea2018@Haumea2018 So your "self medication" is to just accept everything as it is, and through that you will find the god state of consciousness?

2 minutes ago, Haumea2018 said:

there are no higher states to reach for.

That's just not true. I've felt myself as god, and that was a higher state then where i'm at now. I agree the perpetual seeking of the state may be self defeating, but you are over simplifying the transition back into this state. 

Do you feel yourself as god all day 24/7? 

How do you just feel bad? I know when I try to just feel and be I get sucked back into thinking and seeking, Psychs and cold showers are the two of the only practices that have actually popped my third eye open and got me to the god tier state.

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So your "self medication" is to just accept everything as it is, and through that you will find the god state of consciousness?

Don't get cutesy.  Acceptance of what is is not medication, i.e. trying to avoid the issue.

7 minutes ago, Raptorsin7 said:

That's just not true. I've felt myself as god, and that was a higher state then where i'm at now. I agree the perpetual seeking of the state may be self defeating, but you are over simplifying the transition back into this state. 

I'm not oversimplifying anything.

It is simple.

Which is not to say it's EASY.

You description of that state is coming from YOUR CURRENT STATE, i.e. you're back into the mind.

When you are permanently enlightened, it does not mean you never experience negative emotions - you simply have stopped resisting them.  You are flowing with it.

The point is, pay attention to what you are resisting.  THAT is the ego; that is the lack of acceptance.

And that is what must go.

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@Haumea2018  How do I go from where I'm at now, which is seeking and stuck in duality/mind, to where you're at which is feeling amazing and accepting what is without a need to reach higher?

Enlightenment me good sir.

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Pay attention to what you are resisting and note the price you are paying for it.

Be open to more of what you were resisting yesterday, today.  You don't have to LIKE IT, but acceptance is a must.

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Psychedelics are extremely powerful and it's only common sense to think that this power must come at cost. I think there's alot of people on this forum being naive about that including Leo.

Example Martin Ball who seriously fucked himself up with psychedelics abuse.

Also Leo who in one minute is all loving God and in another he's acting all weird with amazong guy. Doesn't exactly look like honesty and clarity to me.

I just wonder to what extent they are safe and what is potential for harm because there's not much in formation on that.

Did you ask these people microdosing ?


  @Nahm  They haven’t transcended karma yet. Tamasic is judgement, just the ultra-neo-sneakery kind. There is no source of darkness, which is what psychedelics reveal. 

That's just sound like total bs. Karma is just reaction of your actions, transcending karma doesn't mean your actions don't have impact on your body and mind. You're saying it like after transcending karma you can snort coke daily without repercussions.

Edited by wavydude

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