
I finally 'died' and then I gave birth to a new world

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@Emerald thank you so much for sharing your experience, it's very beautiful and inspiring. Also, I understand what you mean by your path being surrendering, please do fulfil it. It's yours ?

I also have questions though.

When you "died" was it not peaceful? I imagine all your fears vanishing with 'you' since that's their source. So what is it exactly that was overwhelming about the experience of death? Love? Truth? Consciousness? I'm already in touch with my true nature although I'm still not directly aware of it, but I know that my True being is at peace and isn't burdened by itself. When you say something like God is burdened by/because x y and z and finds rest in its finite forms... I honestly can't understand how that is because I'm not aware of it even in deep sleep where I'm pure consciousness. 

Also, I understand that you may have not accepted the Truth which is your being, but clearly you've accepted the expression that comes forth from your true being, so..are you in love with it (your reality, life, extension as you say)? Because it's only if you've accepted without resistance that you can see the beauty of it, only if you've surrendered to it completely can you see God's love from your reality or really yourself.

I hope you can understand my questions and help make clear these deductions.

Good luck with your path ??


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27 minutes ago, seeking_brilliance said:

"Know that the reality of the Divinity and the nature of the divine Essence is ineffable sanctity and absolute holiness; that is, it is exalted above and sanctified beyond every praise. All the attributes ascribed to the highest degrees of existence are, with regard to this station, mere imagination. The Invisible and Inaccessible can never be known; the absolute Essence can never be described. For the divine Essence is an all-encompassing reality, and all created things are encompassed. The all-encompassing must assuredly be greater than that which is encompassed, and thus the latter can in no wise discover the former or comprehend its reality. No matter how far human minds may advance, even attaining the highest degree of human comprehension, the uttermost limit of this comprehension is to behold the signs and attributes of God in the world of creation and not in the realm of Divinity. For the essence and the attributes of the all-glorious Lord are enshrined in the inaccessible heights of sanctity, and human minds and understandings will never find a path to that station. “The way is barred, and all seeking rejected. "

- ‘Abdu’l‑Bahá,   Some Answered Questions 

This is so reflective too. I only touched it. And there is nothing I can describe or understand of its actual nature. The closest I can say is that it kept loving its creation at deeper and deeper levels. But that pales in comparison to what was actually happening. The intelligence was so far beyond what I could receive.

So, I could seek forever and never know. And that is why it wanted me to go on and live my human life as though it is the most imperative thing... as it certainly is the most imperative thing from the perspective of God... as are all things.

Again, this is not exactly reflective. It's just my best translation.

But God set limitations for me out of mercy. It showed me the triviality and impermanence to being "an enlightened human" so that I could simply accept the gift of its creation.

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3 minutes ago, tedens said:

Can you expand this?

I discovered what death actually is. And dying is to let go of the finite to rejoin the infinite.

And now, every time I relax or go to sleep, I slip into the infinite. And then I remember myself and will myself back into this reality.

And there is a relentlessness to this death experience as it is always happening. No matter what... it's always happening. This is what's giving me the most vulnerability and fear. It's something of my human experience to explore into more. There are parts that feel so raw during this dance between life and death.

The inescapability of the infinite is terrifying to me... as is the intensity of existence.


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@Emerald in their writings, there does appear to be this "Beloved" or "beautiful friend" that the seeker can actually find and have a personal relationship with. And this beloved is considered God, but not 'the God that's exalted above all creation.' 

Check out my lucid dreaming anthology series, Stars of Clay  

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7 minutes ago, Victor Mgazi said:


When you "died" was it not peaceful? I imagine all your fears vanishing with 'you' since that's their source. So what is it exactly that was overwhelming about the experience of death? Love? Truth? Consciousness? I'm already in touch with my true nature although I'm still not directly aware of it, but I know that my True being is at peace and isn't burdened by itself. When you say something like God is burdened by/because x y and z and finds rest in its finite forms... I honestly can't understand how that is because I'm not aware of it even in deep sleep where I'm pure consciousness. 

Also, I understand that you may have not accepted the Truth which is your being, but clearly you've accepted the expression that comes forth from your true being, so..are you in love with it (your reality, life, extension as you say)? Because it's only if you've accepted without resistance that you can see the beauty of it, only if you've surrendered to it completely can you see God's love from your reality or really yourself.

I hope you can understand my questions and help make clear these deductions.

Good luck with your path ??


As I was dying in the experience, I was giving up everything freely. But there were still parts of me that were holding on. So, I surrendered to those parts being there and being unable to surrender.

I stayed in the death experience for as long as I could, until those parts couldn't bear it any longer. Then I asked for respite. I knew it was time to surrender to my limitations.

Since then, there has been a lot of letting go. 

But God experiences everything... including pain and anxiety. But it can always love it and accept it. But nothing is ever resolved, and parts of God are burdened and weary. God is as vulnerable as it is invulnerable.

And the parts of me that can't let go are brought into the absolute to help them surrender. And right now, it's so much about accepting the dance of the finite and infinite. But all the vulnerabilities and fears of my finite aspect are stirred up.

There is much integration and surrender that still needs to occur.


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2 hours ago, Emerald said:

There is nothing to fix. The human predicament is perfect as it is.

So, it’s about accepting and loving everything, even the parts that can’t love or let go. It is to appreciate what is, even as it is an illusion. And it is to allow for the human condition by engaging with story and narrative.

It is to honor the creation of God as an extension of God, and to allow yourself to be the creation in all its purposefully laid imperfection.

To allow yourself to be instead of trying to become. And even orienting to the attempts to become with compassion.

That’s what most people are meant to do. And that isn’t a mistake.

It depends on how you define perfect. If you are coming from the angle it is what it is and our world is going to get destroyed in the end anyways perspective, I agree it is perfect. I would even say this is as good as it gets. Appreciating the illusion and Deciphering the illusion are totally different things.

What gets me laughing about ego's is their willful tolerance to their  own self deception and their resilience to come up with DEER (defend, explain, excuse and rationalize) response.

Anyways  respect @Emerald  for your thought provoking thread and engagement.

I just don't want you to go in the rabbit hole of the charlatan's path.  

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Unknowing is what was surrendered to here...

There is no direction to go or not go...

There is no path... you can't move towards or away from everything...

There are no right or wrong's, should or should not, this over that...

You can't go wrong when every option is everything...

Staying put is the same as doing something...

There isn't a higher power judging anything...

There appears to be some kind of boundless pure potential energy but it's empty and void of any meaning or purpose...

You could say this energy transcends meaning purpose value truth, but that would just be a projection of the Mind...

Its THIS... and it can't be grasped by the human mind it can't be put in a box labeled and given a direction because it's everything and simultaneously an empty nothingness..

You simply can't go wrong because everything is IT!!!





“Everything is honoured, but nothing matters.” — Eckhart Tolle.

"I have lived on the lip of insanity, wanting to know reasons, knocking on a door. It opens. I've been knocking from the inside." -- Rumi

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6 minutes ago, seeking_brilliance said:

@Emerald in their writings, there does appear to be this "Beloved" or "beautiful friend" that the seeker can actually find and have a personal relationship with. And this beloved is considered God, but not 'the God that's exalted above all creation.' 

I actually likened my experience of the Divine Feminine to the Beloved. It was very much that.

And I was the beloved of God. That's why it gave me my humanity and vulnerability, as this is what it sees as most beautiful about me. It saw me as so precious that it gave me enlightenment simply to take the burden of seeking it off my shoulders so that I could appreciate the gift of its creation; my humanity.

It gave me a story to live as a gift to me. And it loved how much I've tried and my will to be good and to know. It gave me a role to play.


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3 minutes ago, VeganAwake said:

Unknowing is what was surrendered to here...

There is no direction to go or not go...

There is no path... you can't move towards or away from everything...

There are no right or wrong's, should or should not, this over that...

You can't go wrong when every option is everything...

Staying put is the same as doing something...

There isn't a higher power judging anything...

There appears to be some kind of boundless pure potential energy but it's empty and void of any meaning or purpose...

You could say this energy transcends meaning purpose value truth, but that would just be a projection of the Mind...

Its THIS... and it can't be grasped by the human mind it can't be put in a box labeled and given a direction because it's everything and simultaneously an empty nothingness..

You simply can't go wrong because everything is IT!!!

Yes. This is exactly right. There is nothing to seek or to do. There is nothing here that needs transcending or fixing. There is no wrong way.

God is relentless in its love of all things. And this love is both very general but also specific. It gave me the directions for a fulfilling human life where I can be innocent and give and receive love, as that's what it wants for me. It doesn't want me to transcend my humanity, as humanity is its gift to me.

There is no path here other than to be and surrender.


Are you struggling with self-sabotage and CONSTANTLY standing in the way of your own success? 

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18 minutes ago, Emerald said:

 This is what's giving me the most vulnerability and fear. It's something of my human experience to explore into more. 

4 hours ago, tedens said:

....integration is needed.


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17 minutes ago, TRUTHWITHCAPITALT said:

It depends on how you define perfect. If you are coming from the angle it is what it is and our world is going to get destroyed in the end anyways perspective, I agree it is perfect. I would even say this is as good as it gets. Appreciating the illusion and Deciphering the illusion are totally different things.

What gets me laughing about ego's is their willful tolerance to their  own self deception and their resilience to come up with DEER (defend, explain, excuse and rationalize) response.

Anyways  respect @Emerald  for your thought provoking thread and engagement.

I just don't want you to go in the rabbit hole of the charlatan's path.  

I can only but surrender to the uncertainty. I really do mean that the message I got very clearly was to surrender to my humanity. The whole experience was about that insight. But I needed it to play out that way to understand why it is wise to be on the path of surrender to my humanity.

It is a very Yin oriented path, so I understand why it isn't understood very well by those on a more Yang oriented path. But a big part of me longs to have it understood. And I have to surrender to both my desire to be understood and the inability of others of a different path to understand.

Also, I sense this is the way out of the rabbit hole, though I am not wired for certainty. To embrace uncertainty and let go of doubt so that I can trust in my finite's perspective to navigate this finite world with grace.

Are you struggling with self-sabotage and CONSTANTLY standing in the way of your own success? 

If so, and if you're looking for an experienced coach to help you discover and resolve the root of the issue, you can click this link to schedule a free discovery call with me to see if my program is a good fit for you.


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36 minutes ago, seeking_brilliance said:

"Know that the reality of the Divinity and the nature 

I haven't read the 7 Valleys. I'll have to check it out. 


Are you struggling with self-sabotage and CONSTANTLY standing in the way of your own success? 

If so, and if you're looking for an experienced coach to help you discover and resolve the root of the issue, you can click this link to schedule a free discovery call with me to see if my program is a good fit for you.


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2 hours ago, Emerald said:

God is relentless in its love of all things. And this love is both very general but also specific.




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3 hours ago, Emerald said:

And if that is the wrong way, I will take that as it comes. There is no point in getting hung up with doubt or to trust others instead of my own experience.

I agree 100 %

As my coach always told me there was no "right" or "wrong" paths. There is only one path and it is tailored for you. 

"All that we know is limited, something we don't - is infinite"

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I agree that self-emptying is the path.

However, there is always a blind spot. This can make us very passive in life for example. But incorporating this Divine pointlesness into everyday actions is what its about.

Thats when you'll view this world as your playground and honour your vulnerability as a person in duality. This is the blind spot people.

Why practice gratitude as everything is perfect in nonduality? Because of the impermanence is exactly why its perfect. We have no control on the circumstances in "duality". But the free will in duality gives us our eyes to birth creations through perception. So why the hell not?

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@Emerald Find a teacher you trust it will make integration easier and smoother.

Seeking the god state is a trap that I have fallen into/am still in. But there is nothing better than god. They say god is the greatest for a reason.

Living as god is better than living as a person with a memory of being god, right? Now the question is how to embody and integrate.

Coaching and psychedelics are the two best imo. Also, try not to fall into the trap of discarding all practices because you're god and god doesn't need practices lol. Find practices that feel good(god). I'm pretty confident this is the way after the god realization. 

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@Edan If this were a Zen temple you would be Headless this very second.

I'd much rather be around ordinary people pretending to be ordinary people than ordinary people pretending to be sincere seekers.

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@Gnosis thank you, was just thinking about pouring some tea but sashimi for dinner is also fine.

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I take back what i have said... I was out out of my mind... I am sorry for any harm that my comment may have caused. I will take it down immediately

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