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The Nature of Understanding (Important!)

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Holy shit, it just hit me. I can see it clearly, I will now attempt to put what I see into language, which is actually quite an interesting secondary insight. What I see in is not linguistic, it is not an idea, it is a clear sense of what Is rather than a thought that came to my mind. It is more fundamental than thought. Back to topic.

Why can the Mind understand the World? Why can math describe and predict "outside" reality?

It sounds so simple, but it is because of the nature of Duality. It's so unbelievably difficult to put this into words, but it's so simple.


Imagine there to be 4 coins. What is it that the mind does? It can create from the 4 coins, 2 and 2 coins. It can say 2+2=4. But notice that there is no such thing as "+" or "2", or even 4 for that manner. This is how the Mind has divided the Ultimate Presence. This is what Mind is, this is what Reality is, this is what "World" is.

The universe does not express itself in Numbers, Equations and Math. But because the Universe expresses itself in Duality, that same expression can be transmitted into a different kind of Duality. We are using the Duality of Math to describe the Duality of Physicality.

We can predict the future because it is the HUMAN MIND that has divided the ETERNITY into DUALITY. It divided INFINITY and made of it FINITE things.


There is no World. There is only the Mind. The mind is Reality. The mind is the Act of travelling, The Act of Duality. It is literally Manifestation itself.


There is no seperation, Division and Duality is not Seperation. Seperation is Illusion.


This is scrambling my brain, I just can't put it into words. I could create metaphors.


Imagine a sphere that is a perfect mirror. It travels through Void, yet it reflects a world. The World Reflects the Void, yet the Void itself looks like nothing, not even like blackness. It takes the sphere to create a Reflection of the Void, a colorful play of that which is within the Void. Now imagine your Consciousness is that Sphere.

The mindblowing thing about Reality is that the Sphere contains Nothing at all. It is not filled with Empty Space, and it is not Surrounded by Empty Space. It is not Travelleng through Empty Space, it is travelling through ETERNAL VOID. And now the second mind blowing thing. There is no difference between looking at the Inside of the Sphere and at the Outside of the Sphere.

The Reflection within the Mirror of the Sphere will determine whether the Sphere is an All Surrounding 360° View of the World, or the Perspective from outside of the Sphere, looking at the Sphere as a Sphere.


And without the Sphere, there would only be Void. Not Emptiness, but Void.


Now get this: When you look at the Sphere from the Outside, you call it "Understanding", when you look a the Sphere from the Inside, you call it "World". The Sphere itself is Understanding and World at the same time.


But I can already see, me trying to come up with metaphors and explanations is removing me from the clear sense I have of it. The images and thoughts in my mind are a distraction. So how could it possibly help anyone else to see it?



In this work the only use of language is to ask the right question. Everything else is mental masturbation, delusion, distraction. Forget what I wrote.


Mu. And also, Math can predict the World because it takes the World, divides it up, and in the process of adding things up again it can see what it had been dividing in the first place. It's like it divided it too much and had to add it up again so then when it attempts to add it up it could get closer and closer to where it wanted to Divide in the first place.


So Math is basically the discipline of Inaccurate Divisions and then the adding up of the divisions until the point of finding the point of division that was sought after. It's strangely elaborate, but I guess it works for us.

Edited by Scholar

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Congrats! Great insight achieved here. Thank you for sharing.


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