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Milos Uzelac

Ramping up the turn of some half-periphry countries authoritarian path of development

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It seems like this a goodbye to the EU for a long time now (even though we have most of our foreign trade done with Germany the economic center of the Union), this reporting is misleading in some instances (we received a 5 milion € stimulus help from Norway), this move was in preparation and awaited a crisis like this one to use it as an excuse to fully turn eastward to the effectively one-party state geopolitical bloc way of governing and our authoritarian often times unstable president along with his corrupt, incompetent for the position and some equally unstable sycophants and effectively one-party run state since 2016 aptly named the Serbian ProgressiveParty (shown in this report) who further enforced blue stage policy foreign and domestic in this country, which along with unrestrained nationalism and its Serb ethnic and political myths was one of the  causes for the collapse of Federation of Yugoslavia and the seccesion of its republics and ensuing Balkan Civil Wars from 1991-1995 and NATO bombing of 1999 from which this country got stuck in most of its part in deeply blue thinking among the populace and hasn't recovered effectively since economically, culturally and politically from the mostly self-inflicted trauma. 


Edited by Milos Uzelac

"Keep your eye on the ball. " - Michael Brooks 

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