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Rebecca Kalamata

How It Is Now 03/20/20

2 posts in this topic

So it is now the days of the coronavirus. I was in S.B. with Mom for a week. They have closed Vista Del Monte to all visitors as they have closed all the assisted living residences. The old and the sick die from Covid-19 as it is called. The rest of us are to be staying in our homes voluntarily except for necessities. Los Angeles is under lockdown though. People can be ticketed $1,000 but the cops are not going to be .... at first anyway. It's being said that the only way to beat this is for a total lockdown for 5 weeks. They should do that now. It will come to it anyway and the virus will be wreaking havok soon. I am waiting to see if there is an exponential increase of cases needing emergency care.

Jennifer had it for 6 days and is now fine. Maia has it now. Last Thurs. Jen picked up Forrest who is home from his closed university in Chicago. We are thinking that he should be getting sick on about Wed. Dave has not been effected yet. He wanted to go to Home Depot today. My gosh, that's why we need a lockdown. 

So here I am in Redondo Beach CA. USA. I came here to:

  1.  visit Mom
  2.  sell the house
  3.  have garage sale
  4.  sell jewelry at fairs
  5.  apply for Medicare/SS
  6.  substitute teach
  7.  sell the truck
  8.  get a new loan
  9.  replace cell phone
  10.  help Mom move

Some of those things can maybe still be achieved. Some of them can't. We only know that things are different now and no one knows how different. We don't feel confident or secure. Only hopeful. It's weird though, the whole world has stopped. Some people are in for a very bad time. I will continue to listen to Leo and Sadhguru. I will use their tools. I miss being with Thetis and Tiko. Now I am here.


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