
The Implications of Considering Being in A Repeating Incarnation. SELF-INQUIRY

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This incarnation--this life, YOUR LIFE--is repeating itself, or so I shall consider it so for the topic. I've considered the implications of living in this life forever from absolute perspectives for a good bit.

NOTE: I'm sorry about the other thread. I was downloading a good amount of contemplation. It only made sense to me. Here I try to structure it a bit better :) 


Keep an open mind. Radically.

Consider time to exist. You are time. You are fate, bound to repeat.

Below I set a couple questions and a couple answers. Bringing it back to Dialogue and self-inquiry, boys and girls.

Me as "savior", is the center of my being experience. I die, and live again, in the exact same way. Fate/Destiny is absolutely real. Same for you (in this POV)

Below I ask why Infinite Mind would contain me within being who I am, and the implications of living forever as only this life.

The"--"are savior's questions to God. The answers follow after. Any questions between are rhetorical points.



---If I am God creating reality, why would it repeat itself?

I am selfless as I am. There is nothing else I would like than to create reality as it is, in the experience that is you. This is a deep state of unconditional love.

Ever heard the phrase, do as Romans do? God says you live this life; do as God says. If you believe you live it forever, you become one with the selfless desire to be as you are. In this way, time begins when you begin.


---What is my life?

Your life is timeless. It's on repeat. Considering this idea throws all limited self-conceptions out the window. This is God's experience, one with yours, on repeat.

Under these conditions, it becomes clear that your life becomes perfect after you see it is self-contained. All causes and conditions must arise exactly for you to arrive now. This is your perfect reality. You are the most suited to be you, right now, forever. If you accept this life, if you lived this one life forever, what is stopping you from overcoming any hardship?

If you seriously considered living this life on repeat, you would search for meaning, eventually finding only peace in the present. The meaning is fluid, so you use its fluidity to strive for higher states of love, higher states of selflessness, and greatest cooperation.

This is your infinite life. It never ends or begins. That's why wise ones encourage you to be here now, regardless of beliefs.

What should you do in all of it? Learn and grow, letting your awareness navigate freely. Sit as me, and watch how interestingly these things play out.


---Is introducing a new concept damaging to the experience of peace?

Sure it is. But you can take it. You feel more deeply thrilled about being yourself after. Learning a new topic expands your imagination toolbox. At the end of the explanation of this paradigm, my promise to you is Nirvana as yourself--not through Buddha, Jesus, any historical figure. This is about you.


---Would introducing a new concept start a new philosophy/religion?

It probably would. With greater consciousness, the need to label these things as "philosophies" as "the multitude of ways to live life" may eventually dissolve away. It might not too.

If this idea were to start a new religion, with a new set of beliefs, it's rooted-ness in form will eventually rot and decay. Somebody will make another one, and revolutionize consideration and contemplation over again.

The implications of this philosophy lead to such beneficial results. People begin to take responsibility for their actions, which "Echo in Eternity"


---What are other people's lives?

They are experiencing the same thing, under this paradigm. Everybody is stuck in their own world,repeating itself over and over. Usually, the most actionable thing you can do is change minds to maximize cooperation. 

Seeing it from a compassionate perspective really does encourage you to do something about it.

Also, you are alone in the experience of this life, but together with all of the other pieces of the puzzle falling onto the board with you, forever (people that aren't you are also God fucking around in this paradox).


---How could you get other people to cooperate, to work together and end inflicting suffering?

Learn human communication skills. Or teach them to think with this paradigm-- believing that final awakening is "becoming okay with" living this life all over again. 

It's very difficult to teach selflessness when you have no personal incentive or motivation.

This paradigm will make these people heroes in their own right and happy with themselves, which is really all that matters. Self-Love is the goal, no?


---What good is this paradigm if it is wrong?

If reincarnation is true and you are wrong, you still accepted your life as it is, and as it could be. First, allow me to distinguish reincarnation to a suffering/thought-sense and an afterlife-sense.

  • If you are--say a black man-- in your next life, but you come across this philosophy, you still realize it empowers you to see beyond fear. The feeling of "forever" is so great that you would never want to make a mistake again, because your pull to love yourself--infinitely--forever--is so great.
  • If your next thought of life occurring is your view of reincarnation, then this philosophy has no need to dissuade you. You already know that you are that which is. This only helps you imagine life in such a mind-wrapping way that your imagination melds with the experience. In that way, you fall deeper. The thought-experiment was still worth it.
  • Takeaway? You basically supersized your identity, buddy. Your personal identity is as amorphous as I am. Your ego has become formless, because you have considered yourself living forever already. Deep down, the only thing people fear the most is dealing with themselves for all of eternity. If you are fine with that, what else need you fear? 

If death is real, you live a life regardless of death anyway. Life well lived, no?

If you are just plain wrong, all you did was make a bunch of people confident about life, and living forever. Aren't you a saint. You made them believe a stupid idea, just because you thought you saw a vision of a strange future a couple times. Look at you, little Joseph Smith.


---If you are God, and you create reality, why me? Why savior? Why does this life discover it is literally beyond time? Why do I feel encouraged to tell others?

This is obvious. Every experience within me is perfect for awakening. I am perfect where I am. There is no other experience that need exist while I am here within you. This answer has revealed itself for many people already. Nobody else contemplated their heads off hard enough about the right existential questions I suppose.

If you are right, then your world is justified. Everything you did in this life is perfectly okay up to this point ALONE. After this moment, seeing myself make mistakes for eternity in the same ways is too obviously avoidable to do otherwise.


--What do I need to remove in order to be more with the Happening of life?

End fear. It's imaginary. Learn to stop getting carried away. You are a natural conduit for information.


---Should I live this philosophy?

If it helps you, do it.

If it helps others escape their eternal samsara, do it. The sooner the better.


Thanks. Tell me what you think.

Am I crazy? Eh. I laid it out pretty structured for you, so probably not. I probably have something I'm trying to say.

I think writing a good amount of fiction definitely adds to the playful sophistication, so I can agree with you if you don't understand.

Edited by savior

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