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Activate Yourself. Cultivate Bliss Now.

4 posts in this topic

The mind interprets the vibrations the heart is sending out. 

Seeking Truth is Seeking The Heart.

The centre of all Creation is The Will of Your Heart.

You are because it is your Will.

You breathe because it is your Will.

You feel because it is your Will.

You think because it is your Will.

Trace it all back to the core of your essence.

See The Sun reborn.

Activate Yourself. Choose Yourself. There is nothing sweeter than waking up to being You.

Cultivate your highest bliss NOW.

See your Will in all of its reflection.

Everything is as You Are.

Generate your every next step in your Heart. You will be gently pulled forward into the unfolding of your perfection. Bathe in the joy of it all. Feel the excitement of being here and now. Be your own fulfillment. 

Stay Home. 

It is where all things come from and return back to. All you can desire is right here.

All you truly desire is to be right here.

In Your Heart.

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