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Self-actualization does NOT exist.

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It's a waste of effort trying to self actualize.

If a body wishes to be in actualization simply, be silent and aware feeling peaceful.

Place awareness on instances where all thought disappears and reappears.

Self-actualization is ideological based. It's conceptual. As well as self actualization will mean something different for each body.

Thaughts simply appear and fade.

Thaughts and mental images are simply sights and sounds.

The awareness of what is referenced is experienced the word sight and sound simply are labels.

Thoughts and mental activity is simply form experienced in nothing. 

Nothing as a non-local local.

Local as where experience is attainable. Where awareness reaches.

That is not experienced in the physical sense. Physical only exists in the body.

No-self means no-body.

It is ironic how a "nobody" is a slur against those without wealth status or do not meet petty and foolish expectations.

To place expectations on anothers to meet for the ego's standards for love is what the ego does against other egos and against the own ego. So an ego at war with itself creating subdivisions all in conflict.

Suffering is caused by the alienation of the body from full awareness of the compulsive need for identification disappear by identifying as no-body.

The persona is a mask.

And realizing that the self is nothingness. Incorperealness is the self. Consciousness is the self. 

Freedom is independence from identification with Maya or a partition of form. All form including the body.

It's like trying to force a square in a circle whole.

This realization and the mystical wonderment of stepping into Nirvana even for a few seconds and a realization this intense feels new compared to past experiences of realization. Or Revelations.

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