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Enlightenment isn't real

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Enlightenment isn't real. You will never achieve enlightenment. Enlightenment is not a state you can reach. If it was it wouldnt be full liberation, because states come and go. Everytime you believe in one of your stories about how you are on a path and how things will help you achieve the ultimate goal, you are on an endless road with no end in sight.

How are you going to focus hard enough to become what you already are? You believe there is another "state' than this. You believe that there will come a moment where you break through the veil you so believe you are trapped behind. You believe there is something better than this and simultaneously you believe that this isn't good enough.

What if the veil you feel is what is? What if this is good enough just as it is whatever is happening? What if there wasn't such a thing as other people less or more enlightened than you? What if the seeking is the game itself? What are you seeking? 

Edited by traveler

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Yes Enlightenment isn't a state or something that is attained in the future. It's what is already the case.

Enlightenment is the solid full-blown recognition that the 'ME' structure is an illusion. This is another way of describing non-duality because what's recognized simultaneously is there aren't any separate individuals.... never was, never will be... it's always been an illusion(hints lifting the veil). Sometimes this is described as self realization /Oneness/The self, others say it's a complete illusion and there is nothing here at all (MAYA)

What seems to happen after this deep recognition is a disentangling from social conditioning and a snapping out of The Matrix.

The individual self agenda is completely rocked and dropped because it's now recognized by no one that there never was a self... Maya was just being identified with as the 'ME'

Deeply conditioned patterns can still continue for a while but not for to long... Once the bottom of the bucket falls out, it will never hold water again.

It's sometimes described as the end of suffering because it's recognized there never was anyone here to suffer... the whole thing was a complete misidentification

" the separation never occurred"

- A Course in Miracles ❤





Edited by VeganAwake

“Everything is honoured, but nothing matters.” — Eckhart Tolle.

"I have lived on the lip of insanity, wanting to know reasons, knocking on a door. It opens. I've been knocking from the inside." -- Rumi

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