
So Who Has Reached Enlightenment?

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You can thank me later for exposing those I respond to those who have strong shadows, those who respond to me with a strong shadow, or I respond with a strong shadow aka ego probably have a lot of work to do on themselves 

Thank you friend and arik for the realization that people that respond with vulgar insults are more than likely needing to work towards destroying there own egos 

I'll be the devil tempting those to expose those assholes.. just like myself :)

Ok since many of you are probably annoyed (which I couldn't give a fuck about)

I'm going to go meditate some more 



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42 minutes ago, DizIzMikey said:


Oh.. well my concept of sheep just went out the door for me, so I don't think that.

What was Charlie doing with 2 dogs? 

Bad bad Charlie! 

Ever seen that popular youtube where Charlie bites another baby?

You "should"  if you havent it'll stimulate that beautiful god given mind you have.

can you define that god that gave me my mind ?

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@Friend  yeah but it somehow disappears than comes back.... disappears comes back 


Gonna go meditate thanks 

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Enlightened? Well ...not shure but I think i had several "enlightening" moments this year!! 

Each of them raising my overall awareness one more step i feel ... Yes! i had amazing moments of beeing my true self and even thou i always came back to "normal" xD (which is fine) i definatly see how everything is much more "alive", how it is easier to  get to my ture-self and to not engage in neurotic behaviour as much as i used to ...

So i am realy glad and thankful i discovered meditation/self inquiry etc ... and who knows what is possible in some years :) i don´t have to hurry, life is beautiful as it is :) 

Yearning / Desiring Enlightenment ( i just lately confronted myself with that topic / had a bone to pick with myself) is really just an escape from here and now and you as you are right now ..don´t escape the "now" by wishing for a state or a day in the future when you will be happy because ..XYZ , the moment you stop mooving away from now you discover what is here ... i really mean it!! 

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@Falk There's no such thing as the now, because now would imply there is a past and future, wouldn't it?

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3 hours ago, Falk said:

Yearning / Desiring Enlightenment ( i just lately confronted myself with that topic / had a bone to pick with myself) is really just an escape from here and now and you as you are right now ..don´t escape the "now" by wishing for a state or a day in the future when you will be happy because ..XYZ , the moment you stop mooving away from now you discover what is here ... i really mean it!! 

Desiring to become enlightened is like an ocean ripple desiring to become the ocean. The ripple IS the ocean - it's made of the same substance as the ocean, it rises from the vastness of the ocean and disappears into the vastness of the ocean. Yes, you can only 'see' IT in the 'here and now', EVERYTHING (all forms seen and unseen) and NOTHING (everything beyond object reality). 

Even a better picture would be looking at the earth from the space. Do you see yourself or anything at all as a separate 'thing' or do you see one vast mass covering the earth, including you and EVERYTHING that's on earth, yet NOTHING to be seen in particular and as separate? This is the shift in perspective you're looking for. It's harder to 'see' it that way given your immediate surroundings with 'you' sitting in the midst of it, but the space-earth perspective can help.


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7 hours ago, DizIzMikey said:


Oh.. well my concept of sheep just went out the door for me, so I don't think that.

What was Charlie doing with 2 dogs? 

Bad bad Charlie! 

Ever seen that popular youtube where Charlie bites another baby?

You "should"  if you havent it'll stimulate that beautiful god given mind you have.

once you become self realized,  you understand that all the stuff you thought you knew, was just nonsense.  i have asked hundreds of people, how do you know when what you think you know is real, i have yet to get an answer.  the human identity cant answer that question. 

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There is no here

There is no now

There is no inside

There is no outside

There is no I

There is no you

There is no it

There is no we

These things are just mental constructs

There is only what's left, there is only 'this'


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@Mal Tell me Mal, what are you simtaneously experiencing?

I see my hands and a white car 

What do you see?

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@Natasha yes but are we not at the same time individuals?

Because if not, I'm going to start to feel really lonely lol

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50 minutes ago, DizIzMikey said:

@Natasha yes but are we not at the same time individuals?

Because if not, I'm going to start to feel really lonely lol

Depends on which perspective you're speaking from - dual or non-dual.

From non-dual - every form is just a ripple that arose from the ocean (pure transparent empty awareness, Leo's definition) and will disappear back into the ocean. 'We' all are that. Can a ripple feel lonely?

Duality creates individuality... loneliness, etc. Having and utilizing both perspectives makes a most balanced life, imo 9_9    

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1 hour ago, Mal said:

There is no here

There is no now

There is no inside

There is no outside

There is no I

There is no you

There is no it

There is no we

These things are just mental constructs

There is only what's left, there is only 'this'


Yes, but communication is a thing of duality and is done by the means of duality (language, labels, etc). Otherwise, there would be no concepts, no words, no discussion, no forum :)  

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@Natasha lol 

IMO I'm going for the individuality 

I don't think I'm ready for the dream to end just yet.. 

What I'm going to do is work on the basics of self help and chill off enlightenment a bit...

Also going to attempt to create a basic plan for life using discipline

As ..I'm pretty lawless in my beliefs which is interesting

So discipline works just right for me

Oh.. off topic.. NAAAAH 

So thank you for your opinion it was very appreciated Natasha 

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@Natasha This is not a forum. This is 'this' :)

Edited by Mal

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@DizIzMikey No need to worry about ending the dream, you will never end the dream. A character in the dream cannot end the dream. :)

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I am. Always been. Always be.


Sarcaste <3 the Sarcasm in Me acknowledges and honors the Sarcasm in You 

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11 hours ago, Natasha said:

Desiring to become enlightened is like an ocean ripple desiring to become the ocean. The ripple IS the ocean - it's made of the same substance as the ocean, it rises from the vastness of the ocean and disappears into the vastness of the ocean. Yes, you can only 'see' IT in the 'here and now', EVERYTHING (all forms seen and unseen) and NOTHING (everything beyond object reality). 

Even a better picture would be looking at the earth from the space. Do you see yourself or anything at all as a separate 'thing' or do you see one vast mass covering the earth, including you and EVERYTHING that's on earth, yet NOTHING to be seen in particular and as separate? This is the shift in perspective you're looking for. It's harder to 'see' it that way given your immediate surroundings with 'you' sitting in the midst of it, but the space-earth perspective can help.


So what you´re saying is in order to make everything appear to be one just go really really far away? xD 

Btw I don´t have a problem with separation, someone once said that god was bored with beeing one so he separated himself into everything that exists, in this case "everything" is the ocean, "i" am the ripple and "god" is the substance :)

it is fun to make up those analogies, it is playing around a bit, and we should all play more (should owww ....) 

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