
So Who Has Reached Enlightenment?

65 posts in this topic

I'll go first.... not I ! *wink*wink* 

And have you noticed..

 Most people on here have a strong self agenda!? 

Or help others to help themselves in their conviction.. eh eh eh!

Why god.. why did you give me big ambitions but such a chimp brain...those 2 do not fucking mix... i was better off a sheep..talk about divine comedy.


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Remember Leo's video where he says you can reach enlightenment? 

At the end he says EVEN YOU 

I feel sorry for the poor fellow thar was directed at lmao 

Oh.... it was me lololo

Damn... being stupid was worth it... I can't stop laughing... and don't lie... your laughing too!

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@DizIzMikey lol! 

And I think the chimp brain can spur us on to want better! The more you're aware of it, the more you uncomfortable you feel with it and just itch for ambition :) 

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@Saarah agreed have to be careful what is said for reasons that shall not be explained, dropping the evil I feels so much better!

Thank you monkey... Ironic 

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No wonder here and not over at teal swans place, this place reflects me purrfectly! Rofl 

OK ok gonna go meditate now and use will

Gotta save the world and stuff for you all even though the general population is synthetic. Talk about fallout 4


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16 minutes ago, DizIzMikey said:

Talk about fallout 4


i really want to play that game

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I took a pretty enlightened shit earlier, felt great.  The log looked like Sadguru's face a little too.  Does that count?  It was a giant dump, surely the percentage of self lost in the process was enough to drop my identity. 

Edited by Heart of Space

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1 hour ago, DizIzMikey said:

I'll go first.... not I ! *wink*wink* 

And have you noticed..

 Most people on here have a strong self agenda!? 

Or help others to help themselves in their conviction.. eh eh eh!

Why god.. why did you give me big ambitions but such a chimp brain...those 2 do not fucking mix... i was better off a sheep..talk about divine comedy.


Wanting enlightenment is no different than wanting millions of dollars or wanting candy.

Are you struggling with self-sabotage and CONSTANTLY standing in the way of your own success? 

If so, and if you're looking for an experienced coach to help you discover and resolve the root of the issue, you can click this link to schedule a free discovery call with me to see if my program is a good fit for you.


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@99th_monkey 99 66

Cool :) me too.. but I already have

Its not that bad at all 

Graphics make me jazz all over the place 

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11 minutes ago, DizIzMikey said:

@Emerald Wilkins when I have candy in my hand and want it, does it still count ? 

Yeah. Only it's even more silly.

Are you struggling with self-sabotage and CONSTANTLY standing in the way of your own success? 

If so, and if you're looking for an experienced coach to help you discover and resolve the root of the issue, you can click this link to schedule a free discovery call with me to see if my program is a good fit for you.


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2 hours ago, Emerald Wilkins said:

Wanting enlightenment is no different than wanting millions of dollars or wanting candy.

At least you can attain those things ;)

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@Emerald Wilkins Its all about perspective, the original idea of wanting is even more silly due to it being subjective.

At least with mine... you actually have some candy in your hand darling  

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There are three people on here that *I think* have either found out how not special it is or are very close to seeing it. You have communicated with them and even shot them down. It is very easy to disregard a username and text without a spiritual leader tag behind it (I have done the same so believe me when I say this is not to put you down). All it took was a kind reminder from a member of this group to help me see how I was disregarding some amazing advice because I wanted to play the spiritual knowledge regurgitation game and be above the advice the forum is here for. A lot of people here really are playing that game and I am still guilty of it too. Start contemplating the advice and you'll see who is getting it more than the rest.

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13 hours ago, DizIzMikey said:

Most people on here have a strong self agenda!?

Dude, you can't expose me like that?! :$xD

They want reality, so I give 'em a fatal dosage.

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@Friend ahhhh... they were shot down from within so they did it to themselves if it is true.

I'm beginning to feel like awareness is the key

I'm kinda happy smiling writing this to you because I'm being aware of my body.

I'm not worried about what I did after all, it seems that I don't have freedom of will and it's not my life just yet, or it is I'm just not aware of it yet.

Sorry to you all that felt shot down, I have a huge huge huge ego, and currently working on it with awareness meditation.

Everything I've done has led to this point so I'm learning not to regret anything...awareness is beautifully beginning to be more peaceful than my usual hellish state. 

So thank you God, and everyone else because without everyone and everything I wouldn't have gotten to this point of awareness.


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13 hours ago, DizIzMikey said:

I'll go first.... not I ! *wink*wink* 

And have you noticed..

 Most people on here have a strong self agenda!? 

Or help others to help themselves in their conviction.. eh eh eh!

Why god.. why did you give me big ambitions but such a chimp brain...those 2 do not fucking mix... i was better off a sheep..talk about divine comedy.


you are still the sheep mikey,  and the divine comedy is part of the sheep mentality.

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That and I decided this would be my clever smart ass response thread, sorry that you weren't aware of that. 

I guess I'm just a natural dick 

No worries, that'll disappear I hope soon

Yesterday I broke up with my wife, not that anyone gives a flying fuck probably so that could explain some of the perceived cowardice or.. God that guys is such a fucking asshole!

We are back in our dysfunctional relationship 

Gonna work on it though 


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Oh.. well my concept of sheep just went out the door for me, so I don't think that.

What was Charlie doing with 2 dogs? 

Bad bad Charlie! 

Ever seen that popular youtube where Charlie bites another baby?

You "should"  if you havent it'll stimulate that beautiful god given mind you have.

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