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Ibn Sina

The importance of social circle for spiritual success?

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My opinion- 

I think that it is not an easy thing to be successful both spiritually and materially.

And the reason is, if you are working on material success then you will have to meet ( not necessarily make friends with) people who are materially inclined.

99.99% of my fellow colleagues  are materialistic. They have never meditated for a minute in there lives, they laugh when any talks about Buddhism comes in. They can't understand even the concept of the seperation of the body and the self. I was so astonished, how could one be so ignorant ( Avidya).

There is so much resistance going on. On the one hand, I have my room where I have the pictures of Buddha and Krishna, and I have my peaceful life, on the other hand there are so many materialistic people once I get back to med school, which is actually hampering my spiritual life although it is improving my materialistic life.

This is one of the reason I feel that I have not developed so spiritually.

I think to develop spiritually, one should spent time with spiritual people, one should join sanghas, monasteries, societies, cults etc etc etc, I think it is quite important. 

I think it is difficult to develop spiritually if 80% of the day you are exposed to materialistic people and 20% of the day you spent time with the spiritual, this is what is happening to me.




Edited by Ibn Sina

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