
This virus

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5 hours ago, Serotoninluv said:

Antibiotics are useless against viruses. 

Exactly, basically all there is to do is wait it out and if necessary treat symptoms (when virus sick). 
btw what you thing about this:


its a bit intense but there must be some truth in it (unfortunately, I guess) I don’t know what’s worse, if this was an actual pandemic or a government construct to control us. Or mix 

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I love how some people in this thread think they are experts in this topic just because they are self-actualizing.


Be more empathic and do your research...

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50 minutes ago, Alfonsoo said:

Exactly, basically all there is to do is wait it out and if necessary treat symptoms (when virus sick). 
btw what you thing about this:


its a bit intense but there must be some truth in it (unfortunately, I guess) I don’t know what’s worse, if this was an actual pandemic or a government construct to control us. Or mix 

For people who are so skeptical I would ask to look at this data, actual cases that have recovered and that died, because active cases comparing to death count is incorrect if you want to correct data, if you are still skeptical about how serious this virus is then idk what to say, just do not forget that allot of cases go unnoticed, not registered, some people take longer to recover then people to die,  so do not freak out at numbers.


Edited by purerogue

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On 18.3.2020 at 3:17 AM, Anna1 said:

Panic at it's finest. 

When is the media gonna say it will turn you into a zombie...

why, they already are walking like zombies through empty supermarket shelves. searching for mummification material.

while someone kicked out their sofa because the toiletpaper is more comfy - i would really really like to see that. like a sequel to the bullshitting video.

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14 hours ago, Alfonsoo said:

btw what you think about this:

I think it's a conspiracy theory without merit. However, there will be people that try to take advantage of the pandemic for personal gain (financial, gaining power etc). Yet I'm not seeing much of that right now - just a bit of price-gauging. The vast majority of people are working together - yet I expect many scammers to pop up to take advantage of the situation. For example, bogus diy coronavirus "tests" that are saline solution and some food coloring. 

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On 3/17/2020 at 7:02 PM, Dazgwny said:

@Arcangelo ????? can’t argue with that lad ?. Although I know it’s not but people seem to be acting in a way that it is, it actually humours me. Can’t deny that I feel things have gone to the extreme. To point I feel it’s an absolute joke?

I wasn't joking.

Clearly you haven't been affected.

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On 3/17/2020 at 9:02 PM, Dazgwny said:

Can’t deny that I feel things have gone to the extreme. To point I feel it’s an absolute joke?

From an epidemiology perspective, this is a good sign. If a considerable portion of the public think things have gone to an extreme and it's an absolute joke, it's a good sign that appropriate measures are being taken. 

The best case scenario is that in a couple months, we will look back and think "we sure did over-react. The coronavirus outbreak wasn't that bad" <= That would mean a huge success. Yet unfortunately, that's not going to happen in the USA - some areas will be sparred - others like NYC will be hit hard.

In a couple weeks, the "absolute joke" believers will be as rare as "flat earth" believers. 

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yes because if we overreact we likely do more to prevent it than if we would do by denying it - which means overreaction can be healthy sometimes. i thought us americans were really good in that? that sounds like i fell for the cliche - although in this situation i would maybe then go for what is american style for europeans, rather more emphasis than not enough. not talking about panick mode though.

Edited by remember

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13 minutes ago, remember said:

yes because if we overreact we likely do more to prevent it than if we would do by denying it - which means overreaction can be healthy sometimes. 

From an epidemiology perspective, the public perception of "over-reaction" means there was an appropriate response because the public underestimates the threat. If one underestimates the threat, appropriate action will be perceived as an "over-reaction". 

Imagine a cancer patient being told that the cancer will devour her body unless they take aggressive chemotherapy action. After the chemotherapy, the patient recovers and thinks "I feel fine. Those doctors *over-reacted* by giving me chemotherapy". . . In this case, the patient is underestimating the severity of her cancer disease, so she perceives the chemotherapy as an "over-reaction". 

Another way to look at it: Imagine a patient is told that they have pancreatic cancer that is spreading through their body. Would the patient think "Well, I've only lost 10% of my pancreas and the cancer has only spread to my lungs so far. Yet I can breath ok right now. Isn't treatment an over-reaction?". 

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@Serotoninluv  basically it is about reaction adequacy - which is about emphasizing. we sometimes emphasize about every single germ possible and if we are confronted with a real one we don’t know what an adequate reaction would be. 

i guess italy at the moment is the precedent for not taking precautions seriously enough. which is seriously heart breaking, thinking of all nonnos and nonnas.

Edited by remember

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14 minutes ago, remember said:

@Serotoninluv  basically it is about reaction adequacy - which is about emphasizing. we sometimes emphasize about every single germ possible and if we are confronted with a real one we don’t know what an adequate reaction would be

It depends on who "we" is. Epidemiologists and public health experts know what an adequate reaction is. They dedicate their entire careers to knowing what an adequate reaction would be. They have studied this for decades and they are fluent in this language. 

I think you mentioned that you speak French. I don't speak French. Imagine we are at a cafe and someone in distress approaches us and starts speaking frantically in French. I don't speak French, so I won't know what an adequate reaction is. I have no idea what she is saying. . . Yet, you do. You hand the woman your phone and she makes a call. You then tell me that the woman said she was just robbed and needs to call the police. 

Without understanding French and what is happening, this would appear to be an "over-reaction". Yet when I understand what is happening, I can see it is an appropriate reaction. 



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9 minutes ago, Serotoninluv said:

It depends on who "we" is. Epidemiologists know what an adequate reaction would be. They dedicate their entire careers to knowing what an adequate reaction would be. 

When my car starts making odd noises, I don't know what an adequate reaction would be. I'm not a car mechanic. Yet when I take the car into the shop, the mechanic knows what an adequate reaction would be. 


to quote a friend of mine @Zweistein i =you=we the most asked question at this moment is about reaction adequacy.

Edited by remember

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26 minutes ago, remember said:

to quote a friend of mine @Zweistein i =you=we the most asked question at this moment is about reaction adequacy.

This comes down to a trust issue. You can trust what epidemiologists and public health experts tell us, or you can distrust them. At this time, I am choosing to learn from epidemiologists and public health experts - yet that's just my orientation. 

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On 18.3.2020 at 0:21 PM, Anna1 said:

Social distancing is going to create more ppl with social anxiety.

Or the opposite, as people have the opportunity to figure out who they truly are.

I am myself, heaven and hell.

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9 minutes ago, Commodent said:

Or the opposite, as people have the opportunity to figure out who they truly are.

I really don't think so...but you can think positive.

I got screamed at on the phone today by the daughter of a patient of ours (I'm a RN manager of a home care company) and this woman was furious we had the audacity to go into her mother's home and care for her mother. Mind you, they didn't cancel our services and her mother told our aide to come over. She was completely irrational, full of fear and basically wanted someone to scream at.

I'm over it.

Ps, ..and to think some of these ppl will just snap back to normal in a few weeks is wishful thinking.

“You don’t have problems; you are the problem.”

– Swami Chinmayananda

Namaste ? ?

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Florida having some issues with social distancing

Florida is already showing 300+ known cases and now some will get ferried back to the visitors homes.

Edited by unicity

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I predict we will look back on this and. . . smh.

To give some credit. . . it's good to see Trump change his tone and listen to public health experts. 

China's lockdown may have been brutal, yet it was highly effective in containing the epicenter of the virus. They have had zero new cases in recent days and life is returning to normal there. This was after about 35 days of lockdown. Other regions like Hong Kong and South Korea had swift lockdowns and had minor outbreaks. Their public is prepared for this. . .. Yet many Americans resist a lockdown - they either can't stomach it, think it's "just another virus" or it is a "hoax". As a result, the U.S. will endure a much worse impact than China. Much worse. This is going to get a lot worse and last a long time. Panic doesn't do any good. Yet neither does hiding one's head in the sand. I'm taking this seriously and preparing for serious consequences: an upcoming lockdown, a recession and possibly loss of job. Unemployment is going to dramatically rise. 

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4 minutes ago, Anna1 said:

I really don't think so...but you can think positive.

People are already craving social interaction deeply. This is a shared experience of isolation, and it is only natural that people would want to come together after the fear of the virus has subsided. This is a collective trauma that needs collective healing.

I can also speak from my own experience and say that social withdrawal has been massively helpful in dealing with my own social anxiety, although that was under very different circumstances. But I notice nowadays I'm happy to just see another person regardless of who.

I am myself, heaven and hell.

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It’s the collective ego. It’s the same as transcending the personal ego. Once the message is truly heard, the suffering disappears. Same for the virus. 



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@Commodent Perhaps, it's because I'm in healthcare and I'm seeing the ugliness (fear) of this that many who aren't in the field don't see... 

I personally am not fearful, at all, but dealing with others fear all day is exhausting.

“You don’t have problems; you are the problem.”

– Swami Chinmayananda

Namaste ? ?

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