
This virus

66 posts in this topic

I’m not going to claim in any way that I know what’s going on with this virus. But I am going to suggest that the reactions to it are so fucking ego oriented it’s unreal. I’ve awoken to a certain degree, not amazingly deep or anything like that. But I have had ego death, I have gone deep enough to realise everything is imaginary including myself, you and whoever else is reading this. I genuinely cannot wait to hear Leo’s next podcast/video that talks about this. Because knowing that you have gone so much deeper than myself and most others with reality, your views on this will be very much appreciated. At the end of the day we’re all playing catch up with you that’s why we follow you in the first place. I’ve my own thoughts on how the ego mind has took this world over last few weeks. But once Leo comes back from his retreat, there’s potentially the greatest video/podcast he’s ever released ?

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@Arcangelo ????? can’t argue with that lad ?. Although I know it’s not but people seem to be acting in a way that it is, it actually humours me. Can’t deny that I feel things have gone to the extreme. To point I feel it’s an absolute joke?

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8 hours ago, Dazgwny said:

But I am going to suggest that the reactions to it are so fucking ego oriented it’s unreal.

Panic at it's finest. 

When is the media gonna say it will turn you into a zombie...

The flu kills 20,000 people, per year, in the US...every year. Why aren't we losing our minds about it??

I'll say it again, to be honest, I'm more afraid of ppl right now, then the virus. 

“You don’t have problems; you are the problem.”

– Swami Chinmayananda

Namaste ? ?

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12 minutes ago, Anna1 said:

The flu kills 20,000 people, per year, in the US...every year. Why aren't we losing our minds about it??

39,773 gun deaths in 2017 in the US.

33,654 fatal car crashes in 2018.

88,000 approx alcohol-related deaths.

47,173 suicides in 2017.

No one bats an eye. Why? Because it's normalized. That's the key. Anything outside the norm is always met with a reactionary and fear-based response.

But there's another wrinkle to this. Shark attacks are extremely rare, but a LOT of people deeply fear sharks and may not even swim in the ocean because of it. I believe this is because of media and movies. Jaws was such a big hit that the term "blockbuster" was coined because of the movie theater lines "around the block" to see it. You hear about shark attacks on the news because it gets views, clicks, and engagement. It turns out that fear is the news' business model. The entire coronavirus panic can be attributed to the news. Anything outside the norm that's scary is blasted on the news 24/7.

I think society's only defense against global panic, misinformation, and lack of perspective is to unplug from the day-to-day news. It's coming, slowly.

"The greatest illusion of all is the illusion of separation." - Guru Pathik

Sent from my iEgo

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3 hours ago, Anna1 said:

Panic at it's finest. 

When is the media gonna say it will turn you into a zombie...

The flu kills 20,000 people, per year, in the US...every year. Why aren't we losing our minds about it??

I'll say it again, to be honest, I'm more afraid of ppl right now, then the virus. 

I would research this topic bit deeper in your place. 

I am not saying that anyone should panic, but people are way to  misinformed and take it way to lightly, thats why it got this far and will be way worse. 


Edited by purerogue

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12 hours ago, Dazgwny said:

I’m not going to claim in any way that I know what’s going on with this virus. But I am going to suggest that Making a new thread when there are already 20 of them on this topic is so fucking ego oriented it’s unreal. I’ve awoken to a certain degree, not amazingly deep or anything like that. But I have had ego death, I have gone deep enough to realise everything is imaginary including myself, you and whoever else is reading this. I genuinely cannot wait to hear Leo’s next podcast/video that talks about this. Because knowing that you have gone so much deeper than myself and most others with reality, your views on this will be very much appreciated. At the end of the day we’re all playing catch up with you that’s why we follow you in the first place. I’ve my own thoughts on how the ego mind has took this world over last few weeks. But once Leo comes back from his retreat, there’s potentially the greatest video/podcast he’s ever released ?


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16 hours ago, purerogue said:

people are way to  misinformed and take it way to lightly, thats why it got this far and will be way worse. 

I'm a nurse. All you can do is proper hand washing, don't touch your face after touching a surface (until washing hands) and use protective equipment when someone is symptomatic. Social distancing is new. We will see if it truly helps, since children wont abide by it and many jobs cant either.

Social distancing is going to create more ppl with social anxiety. 

“You don’t have problems; you are the problem.”

– Swami Chinmayananda

Namaste ? ?

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11 hours ago, Anna1 said:

The flu kills 20,000 people, per year, in the US...every year. Why aren't we losing our minds about it??

Because the flu is much less contagious than CoVid. People are freaking out, not because covid is more virulent, but its spreading power; because the health system cannot handle that many sick people at once. The measures we have taken is to flatten the curve so that people who require hospitalisation or intensive care will actually have a place. 


2 hours ago, Anna1 said:

Social distancing is new.

its a no brainer that it works... we get infected through contact and respiratory tract droplets.. 


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The corona virus is a cold virus and isn't even that dangerous especially if one is healthy. I'm more concerned at how quickly we are willing to give up our rights to avoid its perceived threat.

I’m more fun on Instagram :x


Disclaimer: any advice I give is based off my personal spiritual explorations. I am by no means an expert in the realms of the unseen or otherwise and anything I say should simply be taken as one friend helping another <3


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@Dazgwny Covid 19 is surely creating panic in people's mind. It is quite amazing to see people around the world going in a survival mode. A lot of things to be learned from these experiences. About the virus, one thing for sure that this has affected the mind and health of the people of more than 160 countries. I don't know when was the last time this sort of incident happened.

Now that it is happening, i see people struggling with it more mentally than physically. By far, 0.2 million people have been caught by the virus but mentally, it has caught billions of people. This exactly shows how much do we want to survive and what are we willing to do for that. This is phenomenal. I hope this virus will go away without causing much further harm but it will certainly teach some lessons to those who are into spirituality.

Edited by Annoynymous

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The irony of this thread is fascinating.  Mentioning that it's all ego-based, yet stroking ones self in satisfaction for being "woke" about it and being judgmental about people panicking by viewing it from an 'enlightened' perspective.  Please be empathetic.

I've been following the COVID-19 situation way back in early January out of morbid curiosity because I've never seen a modern country (ie: China) take almost draconian measures to shut down the entire country into quarantine for "a flu" that "kills less than influenza".  It was very interesting watching the data skyrocket in terms of confirmed cases and deaths--the exponential growth is insane.  Not to mention, China was not and has not been truthful in the amount of infected and the amount of deaths.  This data was all available on Youtube, reddit, twitter, etc.  The part that REALLY made me raise an eyebrow was the beginning of drastic censoring of facts on those places.  Things were being taken down by Youtube, Twitter, Reddit, etc about anybody talking about the virus even before it reached the US, South Korea, Iran, etc.  People have been yelling from the mountain tops online about this virus, before even the mainstream media caught on.  

It has been the case of "boy who cried wolf" and now well... it's a bit too late.

This virus is an unprecedented curveball into everyday life.  As much as you become enlightened, awakened, attain non-duality--you STILL have to live in this reality.  Painful or not.  This virus will change the world, for the better or for worse?  Who knows.  But there will be a shift.  The panic is people scared about their families well being and they don't want to be without anything in terms of supplies, in case of a serious lockdown like what happened in China.  The lockdown will be inevitable.

THOUGH I WILL SAY THIS:  Meditation during this time is paramount.  You'll be bombarded about this virus, understandably so but you must remember who you truly are.  The virus is YOU, ME, US.  EVERYTHING.  But in this little game called life, we gotta pretend it's not and we must work together to be empathetic and compassionate with everyone.  

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On 3/18/2020 at 10:56 AM, Flowerfaeiry said:

The corona virus is a cold virus and isn't even that dangerous especially if one is healthy. I'm more concerned at how quickly we are willing to give up our rights to avoid its perceived threat.

It depends on how one defines "cold" and "dangerous". The coronavirus is the causative agent of the condition covid-19, which can be described as a disease and the coronavirus could be described as one of the most dangerous diseases humans have confronted for many reasons.

The coronavirus R0 (contiguous factor) is extremely high - about 20X as high as a common flu virus. This is for several reasons: A) There is a long median incubation period in which the virus can spread. The median incubation period is 5 days - meaning 50% of infected people will show symptoms by five days. This means that 50% of infected people have no symptoms and spreading the virus up to 5 days and the other 50% of infected people have no symptoms while they spread the virus for up to 12 days. This is a very potent spreading factor that blows away a common virus. B) Nobody has any immunity to coronavirus and 100% of people are vulnerable and defenseless. With a common virus, there are immunities within a population. In a population, some people will be partially immune, others fully immune due to past exposures and flu shots. Yet nobody has any defense to the coronavirus. Zero. C) The coronavirus ranges from mild symptoms to severe symptoms, with a relatively high lethality. Very few viruses can claim mild, severe and lethal symptoms. About 20% of persons effected will have severe symptoms requiring medical attention and the letality frequency is about 3.4%. A common virus is much much lower. For example, the common flu virus has about a 0.1% lethality frequency, which is 34X lower than the  coronavirus. D) The coronavirus can survive on nonhuman surfaces for 2+ days.

The reasons the numbers don't seem that dramatic is because the world is not treating the coronavirus like a common flu virus. If the world treated the coronavirus like a common flu virus and let it run it's course, conservative estimates is that 70% of people will get infected. That means about 20% of the world's population (1.5 billion) would have severe symptoms needing medical care. And 3.4% (255 million people) would die of coronavirus exposure - and that is based on a 3.4% estimate in which hospitals are not beyond capacity. Once hospitals max out capacity, the lethality rate will climb much higher than 3.4% (as seen in the 9% death rate in Italy). Even a conservative estimate is 4X higher than all the casualties in WW2 (both military and civilian deaths). Four world wars 2s. . . 

As well, many many people would also die of comorbidity or other illness since medical care is unavailable. We are looking at 500+ million deaths. . . This blows away numbers from a common flu virus. Allowing a full surge would drastically overwhelm health care systems and people needing care for other illnesses and diseases would not have access to care. There would be many indirect coronavirus deaths. As well, this widespread severe illness and death (20% of worlds population) and considerable illness (about 50% of worlds population) would dramatically decrease productivity due to loss of work and a massive hysteria and panic would arise that is much much worse than current measures (lockdowns, social distancing). 

Comparing the current state of the coronavirus with strong quarantine efforts to a common flu without quarantine efforts is comparing apples to oranges. In the U.S. all common flu viruses together cause about 40 thousand deaths annually. (That is all common flu viruses combined). If we treat the corona virus like a common flu, models predict roughly 10 million people would die in the U.S. And that is only due directly to the corona virus. Many more people would die due to other illness because hospitals are overwhelmed. 

Based on this, the coronavirus would be considered orders of magnitude more dangerous than a common flu virus. The coronavirus ranks among the most dangerous in history, 


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And some of us with elderly parents that have comorbidities are concerned since they are at a high risk. This is not simply a common flu. That being said, I am concerned largely with the effect on the global economy. This virus may lead to massive geopolitical and social instability. Yes, fear is causing this situation to be far worse than it needs to be.

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❤ Peace 

“You don’t have problems; you are the problem.”

– Swami Chinmayananda

Namaste ? ?

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Just goes to show how much people rely on anti-biotics. Maybe if they took ownership of colds, and instead of getting antibiotics, eat the necessary nutrition to boost their immunity system, they wouldn't have this panic?

I haven't taken(and refuse to) antibiotics in the past 10 years, and am still alive. It just takes good nutrition, hygienic food, and clean living. 

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10 minutes ago, electroBeam said:

Just goes to show how much people rely on anti-biotics. Maybe if they took ownership of colds, and instead of getting antibiotics, eat the necessary nutrition to boost their immunity system, they wouldn't have this panic?

Antibiotics are useless against viruses. 

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@Serotoninluv thanks a lot for this comprehensive response in the earlier massage, can you pls send here any links about predictive models that can give us an outlook of what will happen with this virus during the year. 

"All that we know is limited, something we don't - is infinite"

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