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An effective treatment for Coronavirus

7 posts in this topic

It may be worth considering,

But nothing I think is more important than maintaining a healthy diet and keeping your immune system up.
As far as I can see, it's the people who didn't know how to take care of their bodies and the weaker people that are being affected the most.

Here is the importance of having a healthy diet, ingesting essential foods and supplements, especially for love of yourself and your body, the body is a wonderful instrument which we must take care of and respect.

Here is a video explaining about the immune system which I found incredible, how smart our body can be.

Immune system under a microscope:


Edited by jerrypua
+1 video

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Nice vids! But it's more prevention than treatment/cure, as is the same case with vaccines :/

and Ik it's so fascinating how complex and intricate the systems in our bodies are :x

"Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it" -Rumi

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@DrewNows Anyone who thinks that this is a conspiracy, certainly feels anxiety, uncertainty or lack of control. Saying that it's a conspiracy is just a coping mechanism which kind of helps to deal with a problem that just seems too big.

Edited by jerrypua

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@jerrypua hmm who knows but from where I stand this looks like a masons convention, and I ain’t afraid of no ghost. Go ahead, pick a poison ;) 


Edited by DrewNows

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