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Meditation self Inquiry Breakthrough?

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     After not meditating for about 3 days and simply following my hedonism. I decided to just meditate for an hour. I was becoming aware of how my mind and brain function more or to simply how my consciousness functions to not give it limitations. I was literally meditating and I began to think of love and I was overwhelmed by the unlimited amount of warmth. Of course, that was something I found extremely interesting in what I was basking in was wonderful. Before all of this occurred I began to undergo this trial which made me feel extremely fearful for no reason, once my awareness was able to see that this was all being made up by the mind I was able to complete this mini-trial but it was heart racing. I would admit this was the first time I have ever been able to become aware of these small trials before receiving love. I was able to become aware of the little tension my brain creates and just simply being gave me everything sort to speak. 

    Then I again asked myself in my self Inquiry “Who Am I” and I could feel each word and were in my brain they were occurring and I noticed how the “I” was occurring in my heart. Through my knowledge of Nonduality and its theory, I was able to knock many challenges know to keep my cool. 

    One of the more interesting aspects of this was how it seemed to be me communing with some type of feminine energy and also manly annoying person energy... I’m sure this just simply is myself but it was a cool interaction.

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@Romer02 the most important part of your meditation, or enquire is, who am I? 


When you notice you are observing your own internal states, see if you can turn it back around to the one observing. Does this one get bothered by anxiety, or feel attached to warmth or feelings of love, as they arise and subside?

Or is all of this seen by this one. And if it is seen that this one sees, then, who is the one who can see the one observing internal states? Can the observer be observed? Once you can effortlessly be resting as this observer, you should turn the enquiry around on the observer, and as you do, ask who is this one who is observing, can this one be perceived? 

The more you stay as this, the more layers you are uncovering to be not yourself, you are clearing away the lies that have been believed about who and what you are.

Good luck.

Edited by Spaceofawareness

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