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Why Some People Choose To Be Employed And What Can Help Them?

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Many people have chosen to be employed in  some company,at least for a while.Their reason can be anything.For example:

-wanting to learn the job

-wanting to know the market 

-some limiting belief prevent them of having their own company.for example lack of capital ,our economic situation,or seperation concern of work and family

What can help them to find the best company (best salary,least working hours and best environment ) ?

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Hey @nima It helps to ask a friend who had many jobs and can advise you on the matter. I did that and I am happy I did.

"wanting to learn the job, to know the market" and ... yes, those reasons are valid. Also this is a good way to see how good you are in the field without throwing a ton of money at it.


-some limiting belief prevent them of having their own company.for example lack of capital

Lack of capital is not a limiting belief :) 


What I did with my last job was I talked to a friend of mine who had considerably more experience, what he told me (and my thoughts so far)

- In a  small company , you learn more. The smaller the company is the more you have to learn and handle on your own. It's a great thing you are less replaceable too as the company grows, because you have more experience. People are more open to your suggestions since they are not getting input from 200 people but from just 4-5 so your voice counts.

- A big company is more stable. You will probably have more benefits and easier time there. You have to learn less since there is someone to think for you (I do not like that part).

I love to come up with solutions to problems. I don't like big crowds. I like it when people consider my opinion. I went with the smaller company and I am very happy with my choice already more than 6 months into it. I should point out I was pretty much a hobbyist at the field before I started.

If you are entrepreneurial at least a little bit I would suggest you go for a less-populated company because you will learn more which is a great asset if you want to open a business on your own later. If you decide you do want to still work in a company you will be much more closer to the core and the entrepreneurial nature of it than you would be in a bigger company.

Good luck :)

Edited by Yavor Kirov

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