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Fear (please read)

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Okay yall. I have a question I really need answers to.

As kundalini goes through my body, and cleanses it, I have gotten to a point where I'm really starting to become pretty fearless. It's insane. Although I'm really at a problem

If I become so fearless, I might die ??. It feels like it. Leo was right when he said if I became completely fearless I would not live longer than 1 second

But then how do I know what fears to keep and what ones to not. How do I know what to do and what not to do. I'm asking genuinely, because I don't know. 

Plus this work is about releasing fear. So really, like what the heck am I supposed to do.

Like now I'm really starting to take my power back, and not really care what others think etc. But like I'm really scared I might die if I do that completely. But also I want my power! I dont want to give that away.

Or like social conditioning. I'm really letting go of that fear of fitting in and listening to people. But this begs the question: if I dont care what other people think, i might die! Like what the fuck! What am i supposed to do! I dont want to be a slave to others but I dont want my power and myself taken away!

Also this is on the spirituality thread because I need to figure out how to use this body suit! How the fuck do I work this and feel okay at the same time, how do I do spirituality and keep everything cool in my life. Is that literally impossible because I have to surrender to this divine force??? Like what the fucking hell. 

Edited by DreamScape

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What you describe is attachment, identification and survival of the mind, body and self construct.

Appearances still appear. What appears as a personal me are just appearances. They may continue. What dissolves is the attachment and identification to those a personal appearances. 

One thing I found helpful is to allow awareness of an “observer”. You can do this right now. There is awareness of “my” thoughts. There is awareness of thoughts that say “this is me”. Once this awareness is aware of itself, it can observe the mind and body.

Keep this awareness alive. When you walk, observe the body walk itself. When you eat, observe the body eat itself. When you feel, observe the body feel itself. When you are thinking of yourself, observe the mind think of itself. 

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@Serotoninluv it's literally impossible for my ego to take control again.

It's not even awareness as an observer. It's just awareness.

My ego has been really fearful lately. Like very fearful.

Also I really really really dont know how much fear to keep. Leo says that fear is the thing that keeps you alive. But Idk, that doesnt make sense to me because isnt our body supposed to be running completely free consciousness-wise? I mean no obstructions in consciousness? Why would I want consciousness restricted. Also like leo says that a lot of this stuff is physically damaging, and I'd agree. 


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A bit too hung up on one or two comments in terms of fear and life (imo). Sometimes when the body releases, thought gets sneaky and “makes it about what someone said”, or maybe something that was read, etc. It’s not “about” any such thought story about a self, or death, etc. Totally relax and breathe and let any narratives go. Be present here now by tuning into perception and feeling.  Understanding arises all on it’s own bubbly accord. Just relax and let thoughts that don’t resonate go, the body will do it’s thing.  It’s precisely the most desirable outcome from the consciousness work you’ve been doing.

When there is no judgement, there’s no fear. “My ego” doesn’t have the same ring to it that “my good friend” has. It should though, it got you this far. It’s a beautiful thing. 

If you’re not thinking about what other people think of you, and you’re not thinking about other people as such, and you’re not thinking about what other people are thinking about you, and you’re not thinking about a ‘you’ in a ‘past’, and you’re not thinking about a ‘you’ in a future - there’s probably 99% less thinking. 

In that same sense, intelligence is only here now. Such thinking is like a blockade to intelligence, or rather the awareness “of” it. Insights are only here now. Not found in a thought of past, future or self. If you expect to know what to do ‘in a thought’ (past or future) you’ll feel frustrated. Feeling doesn’t wander like the mind. It can’t “go there” (past or future). If you settle into the here now, only attentive to this, to what is, to only what is immediately present, you’ll see there is no fear. 

We don’t get to know what to do and what not to do. Reality is pure spontaneity, creation, so we listen mindfully to feeling & intuition. Life is, experience now, only. Any power experienced is of the source of the “idea of ‘you’” (Same ‘source’ ‘you’d’ be surrendering to). Nothing can be said to be lost in the loss of an ego, which is not itself just another claim of the ego. 

As far as ‘your life’ going crazy...the ‘divine force’ is already running the whole show. It is always safe to surrender. Look for letting go of resistances, be mindful of what you want to create. It’s literally just this now moment. That’s all one could be tasked with, and not even. 

“Caring what other people think” as a cover for self referential thought is ‘giving away power’ in the sense you mentioned, it is far from actual. Look to be conscientious & understanding. If you feel inclined to think on behalf of others, instead, notice the beauty and perfection of your body and your world. Others are thinkin about whatever they want, bees are buzzing, all is well.  

The more conscious of your own judgements of self & others, the more understanding, the less fear, and the more one is knowing truth and wonder. 

Always a good ‘path’ reminder imo...sensitivity increases. Often some tweaking is being beckoned. Sometimes diet, sometimes letting go of an old & unwanted narrative, maybe forgiving someone, maybe realizing something about reality was always just one’s perspective, etc. As the body is listened to more and more, it’s useful to listen to it’s requests, so to speak. They get more, and much more nuanced. The ‘no-way’ of just sitting, relaxing, and ‘listening’ is best, imo.

If “it’s just awareness”, let any and all ego narrative go. It’s just a story. It’s got nothing on this actual story of this living, this life. That’s the real story. 



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36 minutes ago, DreamScape said:

it's literally impossible for my ego to take control again.

My ego has been really fearful lately. Like very fearful.

34 minutes ago, DreamScape said:

It's not even awareness as an observer. It's just awareness.

Then rest in the awareness.

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@Nahm yeah I got a bit angry. Truth is the greatest thing I've ever found and yet it's one of the most scariest things for me to embrace. I regret finding it so much and yet I am so grateful and love it so much ???

But OK, so just basically let go of thinking about what fears to let go of and not let go of and just let whatever be be?

But also let go of fear and find out through myself through insights and coming more to the present through feeling?

I think I'm getting it. Just basically let go more. OK

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