
Life is too long.

50 posts in this topic

3 hours ago, Red-White-Light said:

Days don’t feel like weeks anymore, so I’ve been much happier. I’ve been accepting my self as a human form.

That's great! 

2 hours ago, Red-White-Light said:

My life is actually going really well.

Ok, externally your life is going "really well", but how is it internally? 

one day this will all be memories

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@kag101 So externally my life is going well, I’ve got a job, I have a career goal, I have a solid structured routine and good habits laid out. 

Internally, I still sometimes grieve the loss of a family member. I have been working on inner peace.

I do find that I am not as good at meditation but I’ve been using the Sam Harris Waking Up App and I’m going to have a meditation mat in my room.

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3 hours ago, Red-White-Light said:

So externally my life is going well, I’ve got a job, I have a career goal, I have a solid structured routine and good habits laid out. 

That's good. How are your relationships? (Not necessarily romantic ones). 

3 hours ago, Red-White-Light said:

Internally, I still sometimes grieve the loss of a family member. I have been working on inner peace.


how long has it been since this family member passed away?

do you feel like the emotional pain is proportional to what happened? Or is it too much? 

3 hours ago, Red-White-Light said:

I do find that I am not as good at meditation but I’ve been using the Sam Harris Waking Up App and I’m going to have a meditation mat in my room.

Why do you meditate? 

one day this will all be memories

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8 hours ago, kag101 said:

That's good. How are your relationships? (Not necessarily romantic ones). 

My relationships are really healthy and functional with my family and few close friends. 

how long has it been since this family member passed away?

1 Year ago

8 hours ago, kag101 said:

do you feel like the emotional pain is proportional to what happened? Or is it too much?

The emotional pain was so much worse than I could have ever imagined. It’s like a part of you dying whilst being alive. 

Why do you meditate?

I want to experience non-dual states, understand reality better, and be more peaceful and compassionate.


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How about getting to a point where life is not 60 years of slavery but 60 years of gift? What's more, this gift can be even exciting and adventurous.

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@nistake Life is great but after-life is greater. Once I pay off my karmic debt in this life I’ll enjoy nirvana.

Edited by Red-White-Light

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@Red-White-Light :D haha you were not alive enough in the first place

Edited by kagaria

 explain grammar to an alien ?

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It is too long and too short.  

So beautiful and so ugly. 

So trivial and so divine. 

So hard and so easy 

I fucking love this life that I hate too much! 

my mind is gone to a better place.  I'm elevated ..going out of space . And I'm gone .

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There is no me
There is no you
I love you
Life is beautiful
Life is hell
Life is what I choose

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