
What is yoga actually?

9 posts in this topic

I am confused about this term. I hear and read things like this;

"Yoga IS about the connection of mind and body."

"Yoga Has NOTHING to do with your mind or body but has to do with what is unfolding around you"

I am going to yoga class to DO yoga.

"Yoga IS a solely spiritual practice. "

"Yoga IS a mental and physical practice."

"Yoga IS about answering who your inner witness is."

And many many more. It seems like the more research I so the more confused I become. 


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Asking the question what is Yoga is akin to asking the question what is What.

Yoga is not an object, yoga is a function; yoga is Being.

Yoga is And.

Yoga is Is.


Let me ask you a question,

What is And?

What is Is?


There you have your answer. You're lucky I'm in a bad mood. I don't usually share explicit insights.

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Neither of these answers helped me understand (at least I don't think so) but they both made me smile. Thank yous.?

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Science of human development and purification with the goal of total liberation, union of the individualized consciousness with the Universal One.

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I don't know what yoga is, I just do the practices

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@Adodd Yoga was originally created as a vehicle for awakening, but now it is very hard to find hardcore practices. Most people don't know what yoga is really for and just think its a bunch of stretching. Patanjali created the 8 limbs and most people on know about the first 4. 

You really want to focus on the last 3 if you want to grow. The first 5 are pretty basic.

Watch leos video, The Importance Of Real Yoga and read the yoga books on his book list.



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22 hours ago, Adodd said:

I am confused about this term.

The answer is within.


When you do Yoga, how does your body feel?

Does it enjoy the stretches? Does it struggle with pain? Can you “Be” with the posture?


When doing Yoga, how does it feel to breath?

Does it calm down? Do you feel the isness in it? Do you struggle and hold your breath often?


When doing Yoga, where is your mind?

Does it dance from thought to thought? Does it calm down? Does it become “one” with the moment?


When doing Yoga, can you feel the energy within?

Is it blocked or numb in areas? Does it flow with consciousness and freedom? Can you feel the atoms and molecules that make up your cells and organs?


When doing Yoga, are you aware of your higher “self”?

Are you caught up in physical reality? Do you want to be somewhere else?


When doing Yoga, how do you feel; mentally, physically, emotionally, energetically, and spiritually after completing the session?


The answer to what Yoga is, may be within some of the thoughts, ideas and beliefs I just shared with you.  Take these thoughts, ideas, and beliefs and play with them and create your own reality of what Yoga “is” and “can be”!   


Keep your thoughts, ideas and beliefs fluid.  Observe them, and watch how they change as you progress with your Yoga sessions!   Enjoy the journey, don’t worry about the destination…..


Just sharing some thoughts, ideas, and beliefs!

Edited by DLH

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The definition of the word Yoga is "Becoming one" or "Unification". No matter what method, all different Yoga are pointing towards the same direction. Life/existence as a whole is the process of Yoga. 

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