
How do you drop ideas? How do you love pedophile ?

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I realized how my mind is cherry-picking stories that fit my survival . And at this point I can see how everyone is doing the same, which helped me treat people and myself better. Doing inner work is helping me heal my traumas, forgive myself and others, and open my heart. So im breaking down my ideologies and I see how I dismissed every nasty and cruel things people do. I subconsciosly turn away from horror movies, animal cruelty and ofc justify my selfishness. So this is creating stronger duality that is counterproductive to raising my consciousness and accepting reality. My question is: How can I love a pedophile rapist? I know that what he is doing is the same thing as what I em doing , and our experiences led us to where we are now  . But how that healing process begins within me? Do I just watch all the nasty stuff that my ego doesn't want to see until I start loving that part within me? How do you deal with this? Any video or book recommendations? 

Also, attachment to ideas/sensations create suffering . Lets say I drop the idea that i need to work and create . That idea is dropped within the mind, and the mind knows that it can pick the ideas back up. So dropping that idea of me needing the job to survive creates more freedom and creativity at my job.  But its not me really dropping the idea that i need to work. Me dropping the idea is not actually working? Or whatever I hold as something that I "need" or "love" to do ...? Im confused :D Im holding my ideas loosly because i know they are relative, and im open for someone to give me a better idea . So you pick ideas  that is making your life better until you transcend the mind? Until you accept reality is illusion?And I can't deal with rapist xD Shit 


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@Nahm   Thoughts about the rapist . But direct exp with abuser who beats hes wife. Im contemplating now on this , and I see that it is how i think of it. But how do I deal with the negative emotion? For example i can hear him arguing with her downstairs and hes kid crying in terror . What is for me there to do? How do I deal with the negative emotion? 

Thank you ! 

Edited by EddieEddie1995

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It sounds like you’ve realized it is the thought which does not feel good. 

Now consider if you want to intervene in any way. 

What would be the intelligent, compassionate thing to do?



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There are some very important things to grasp here.

Love is not something that is done. Love is not something that do you to something. You do not Love creation, you do not Love the pedophile, you do not Love suffering. Love is not done by the ego.

Acceptance is the same. Transcendental acceptance is not done by ego. You do not accept things, you do not accept creation.

There is a false understanding of Love or Acceptance being opposite to emotions, like anger or fear. "To be Accepting, I must feel Nothing but Love when I witness the suffering of another being! I must accept the suffering, which means I feel no emotion at all. Acceptance is detachment!"


Love and Acceptance is Ultimate. There is no such thing as increasing your Love or Acceptance. Love and Acceptance is the fundamental nature of all that exists, this includes anger, this includes suffering, this includes judgement and ego. Love is not "to love something", but rather Love is the substance of all that Is. This is eternal, this is undeniable, this is always the case. Love and Acceptance is equivalent to Being.


Our work is to see that this is the case or in other words, to bring the underlying Love and Acceptance present in all things forth into your Presence and Awareness. To be able to see it and focus on it. Love does not mean any particular thing, Love is all things that are.


It's not a lofty feeling that sits opposite to the ego. It's not "Hatred vs Love". You are pure Love when you judge and exterminate the pedophiles in a grand pedophile holocaust. That would be pure Love.


Make a distinction between Waking up and Growing up. To become more compassionate will mean to Grow up. But to Grow up means to be able to use your full spectrum of emotions and transmute them into a unified presence and consciousness. To be able to use your hatred and transform it instead of falling prey to it. It does not mean, and I cannot stress this enough, that you must be free of hatred, anger and fear.


God is perfect Love. Look at it's presence. You are it, already. You are the perfect expression of Love. So is the pedophile and so is the person who in anger, judgement and hatred holocausts the pedophile. To see the Love in all things, including your judgement, will be what transmutes your life. The mind of the human reacts a very particular way to the recognition of Love in all things.



Do not love the pedophile, because love is not something you do. Love is presence, you simply need to recognize what presence is. Once you do, everything will be love, and there will be no difference between you judging the pedophile or not. Your survival will be a perfect expression of Love, as it already is.


Detachment is for rocks, not for humans. If your goal is detachment, there are much quicker ways to achieve that. Feeling nothing when you see another suffer will make you a sociopath, not enlightened or more loving.

Edited by Scholar

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36 minutes ago, EddieEddie1995 said:

For example i can hear him arguing with her downstairs and hes kid crying in terror . What is for me there to do? How do I deal with the negative emotion? 

Thank you ! 

#1 Be there for yourself.

I see too many warm empaths let the cold world tear them down. If you are trying to heal others and let their energies into your life, please know that You are Enough. There are no negative emotions you need to deal with because I am Enough.
Be strong, don’t take things personally, don’t make assumptions, and slow down. To help others most effectively you need to pull yourself away from the self of this being you identify with, bring awareness in to the world and the other beings that you want to help, and live through their perspective. 

Think and see what would be best for the child. What can you do for the fearful mother, or the angry father. When you pull yourself out of the equation, there is no danger of getting hurt or dealing with negativity. No shame in trying to comfort an abusive man. Because that could save the child some nights of terror ❤️

Is all that we see or seem

But a dream within a dream?

- Edgar Allen Poe 

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@Nahm Well, at first i left them a note on the doorsteps where I wrote what happened to me and the traumas i had to go thorugh when my father was beating us. It was nice message imo I tried not to trigger them.  Then one time I went downstairs to help them out becaose I heard noise and screams , the wife and their kids were leaving him .The kids were crying and he wanted to confront me but he was to afraid to look at me, he was to angry and afraid . I help them out to move away from him and offered her and her kids a ride to her perents house and she refused . I told her to not come back but i knew she would. I feel so bad for the kids . I wanted to go and talk to him. He needs a hug but he is afraid and bitter stage red/blue guy, and I don't want to get in any more trouble. I guess this is how things are and i have to accept the reality where people suffer daily... :(

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When you see the Love in Suffering, Suffering will not cease to be Suffering. Only the cessation of Suffering will lead to the cessation of Suffering.

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Kinda depends ‘where you’re at’. As you see it that you are ‘getting in trouble’, it might be best to report it to the police, and continue on your path.

@Scholar “Only the cessation of Suffering will lead to the cessation of Suffering.”

Bit of an unendable loop, isn’t it? 



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1 hour ago, Scholar said:


Love is not something that is done. Love is not something that do you to something. You do not Love creation, you do not Love the pedophile, you do not Love suffering. Love is not done by the ego.

So the love that i exp is just a positive emotion? So in this case positive emotion brings flow, and raises consciousness , in my case, the bigger fear I confront the bigger positive emotion i have . So the whole spectrum of emotions is good, nesesesery . The Love you are talking about I need to have mystical exp to realize? 

1 hour ago, Scholar said:

Acceptance is the same. Transcendental acceptance is not done by ego. You do not accept things, you do not accept creation.

So I just observe what is? 


1 hour ago, Scholar said:

Our work is to see that this is the case or in other words, to bring the underlying Love and Acceptance present in all things forth into your Presence and Awareness. To be able to see it and focus on it. Love does not mean any particular thing, Love is all things that are.

Well, fuck you then, pig xD love that haha

1 hour ago, Scholar said:

It's not a lofty feeling that sits opposite to the ego. It's not "Hatred vs Love". You are pure Love when you judge and exterminate the pedophiles in a grand pedophile holocaust. That would be pure Love.

Okay, so I em experiencing spectrum of emotions that are fucked up by the mind. All I can do is to be aware . But how can I know what pure love is? If its now, then its wanting a joint :D 


1 hour ago, Scholar said:

Make a distinction between Waking up and Growing up. To become more compassionate will mean to Grow up. But to Grow up means to be able to use your full spectrum of emotions and transmute them into a unified presence and consciousness. To be able to use your hatred and transform it instead of falling prey to it. It does not mean, and I cannot stress this enough, that you must be free of hatred, anger and fear.

That is what im trying to do. I don't want this thoughts about this feelings to cloud my growth  . I see how to much empathy can do worse then good. And thank you for that!

1 hour ago, Scholar said:

Do not love the pedophile, because love is not something you do. Love is presence, you simply need to recognize what presence is. Once you do, everything will be love, and there will be no difference between you judging the pedophile or not. Your survival will be a perfect expression of Love, as it already is.

Okay, but i have no direct exp of it . In my contemplation i realized that me chasing to be somebody, to become enlightened etc. it means that im not enough now, so accept whatever it is now, okaaay .But this is the path I need to take . Learn, meditate and introspect . What would you do? To you now it doesnt matter because you can see the beauty everywhere, but I don't. But yes, it is just how i think of it. So awareness, awareness, awareness... 

Most of the things you wrote im struggling to understand so...

Thank you ! 



Edited by EddieEddie1995

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@Chakra Lion I em Enough! 

1 hour ago, Chakra Lion said:

Be strong, don’t take things personally, don’t make assumptions, and slow down

I will! Thank you <3 

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8 minutes ago, EddieEddie1995 said:

Okay, but i have no direct exp of it . In my contemplation i realized that me chasing to be somebody, to become enlightened etc. it means that im not enough now .But this is the path I need to take . Learn, meditate and introspect . What would you do? To you now it doesnt matter because you can see the beauty everywhere, but I don't. But yes, it is just how i think of it. So awareness, awareness, awareness..

That means that they are perfect to. Just little more unconscious that I em . Haha xD this is confusing 

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@EddieEddie1995 Just by reading your thoughts it’s easy to tell that you have a great mind and a strong spirit. You are letting yourself be vulnerable enough to find new awakenings and drop old characteristics that don’t serve you anymore. That takes courage, like Jesus courage to continue and improve the state of consciousness while surrendering to the world. 

Don’t forget that when you climb the ladder of life, of spiritual awakening, you don’t just focus on climbing higher. You need to stop and perceive where you are, look down and see how far you’ve come.

May this message reach your soul. My spirit will always be here for you Eddie ❤️?❤️

Is all that we see or seem

But a dream within a dream?

- Edgar Allen Poe 

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@Chakra LionThank you so much! Im glad that you noticed hehe :) Im always open to new perspectives, and even though truth hurts sometimes, it just opens me up more! Im so motivated to share this through  my art, and I get so focused on the future that I forget who I em now. And thank you so much for reminding me of that! It means so much <3 <3 


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