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Best way to access answers from a trip

1 post in this topic

One of the commenters at this link, Lloyd,  said the following:

"...I was immersed in an ocean of consciousnness where there were no boundaries yet I retained a point of consciousness. That is also called the “white light” and during that state there is no thought or time just being. I had this indescribable feeling that this was home and a deep compassion for all those who suffer in this world due to the “fallen” nature of the human race. When I began to have thoughts again I realized that in non-dual state there can be no separation between subject and object and while that might not sound like a big thing, I realized that there can be no question without an answer. So I began to pitch questions into “The Universal Mind” much like you might toss pebbles into a still pond watching the ripples of thought that would result. “Why is the world as it is?” “Why is there evil” “Why am I the way I am?” “What about my family?” etc. There were no limits to the questions and each was followed by flashes or visions of images that explained the answer to my question. I can tell you some of it was very revealing and not for the faint at heart because vioence and evil were shown as they are. I saw myself at the end of a great number of lives some good and others not. I saw the pain that I had directly related to transgressions of my own in other lives. I understood why the New Testament makes a big issue for forgiveness. Its the only way we can go on."

I'm wondering if others have had this same experience of "pitching" questions to an all-knowing consciousness and getting definitive answers.

Also, which substance were you on and what size dose (for you) did you do eg, heroic, average, micro?





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