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Ego Deaths on different psychedelica

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I read that ego death differs depending on which psychedelica you take. Not only on degree but how fast it happens, how long, to what degree and how scary it is for the first time.

Which one is better for experiencing ego death for the first time, if someone dont want to be too overwhelmed by it? I heard nitrous oxide gas alone should be giving a taste of ego death for very short time and is ideally for beginners. What do you think?

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From nitrous alone its very unlikely to have ego death. If you combine it with for example LSD you can get a taste of ego death pretty easy but its nothing compared to the full experience.

If you let go ego death is not scary at all because there is nothing there to be scared but coming back and the moments before can be very scary for the ego but doenst have to.

With LSD you can "work" your way slowly to ego death but it takes time and commitment. Start with normal doses and work your way up till you get there.

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@acidgoofy you mean I start with 100 mcg and next time 120 mcg and so on until I get a little taste of ego death? Is there really a slowly process to ego death  or will it it you like a train when it comes? 

I really want just a little taste of ego death, just to know what it is like and if I can handle this. Like testing the water. I ask me if this is possible

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I recently had my first ego death on mushrooms. I've had nothing but positive experiences. I would start with a small dose and ramp it up until you feel like you're on the verge of a breakthrough. Then, level off your dose and contemplate the shit out of your trips. It's also vital that you do the contemplation work to unravel the delusions of your ego and sort of shake the dogma loose.

Glory to God. Blessings to All. 

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It depends on many different factors. Ime, the most influential factor would be the willingness to let go and surrender. Yet there are other factors as well.

"Ego death" isn't necessarily a scary experience. I've had some that were indescribably beautiful and blissful. When faced with "surrender" the ego has been like "I get to let go of that misery to enter this bliss? Heck yea!! Let's go!!". . . Yet other times have been difficult. If there is a lot anxiety prior to the trip, I'd make it as comfortable as possible as we don't want to traumatize the mind and body. For example, tripping in a crowded train station during rush hour wouldn't be a good idea. 

For me, I would say vaping 5-meo because there is the option to pull back if it gets too intense. Yet that option could also make it harder to "cross over". 

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I had ego death (to some degree at least) after smoking weed at the peak of an LSD trip (250ug). If you don't know, weed shoots the experience through the roof. 
It's supposed to be more gentle on LSD but I'm honestly not sure. For me the experience felt terrifying initially, but then beautiful.

Initially it felt like I was completely losing my mind, dying and entering some black hole. This must be the classic "void" talked about in Zen. So much emotion came up that felt like it was bottled up over so many years, an explosion of tears followed, so much pain releasing as my ego was fading, it was incredibly therapeutic. What followed were moments of pure infinite light that consumed my being. It's like your essence is melting into your experience and conforming to it; as if the universe were a blank canvas, you were the paint in a bucket, and the psychedelic grabs that bucket and throws the paint onto the canvas creating the entire universe (a weird description I know). I also saw this "infinite mirror" of buddhas surrounding the sun which was really fucking cool aha. Hopefully that gives you some idea of where to reach without sounding too convoluted.

I'd say anything under 200ug is unlikely to produce ego death. 

If you see the void, go into it as much as you possibly can, if you see the white light, surrender completely. It'll pay off big time.

You can also act like the psychedelic is some spirit that you're respectively bowing to and asking for insight (in a non-clingy way). Put your hand into its hands with complete humility.


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