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Have I mastered dating? What else to improve?

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I feel like I'm almost there, with no more things to cover with the initial stages of dating, pickup and seduction. Both inner game and outer game are great, I just need to do some minor tweaks here and there, but basically I think I've covered all the theory. I spent thousands of hours (but not 10k hours I think) on this topic of life. I am in no ways a great LTR master, that is another sphere. But I think I'm done with the former. What else is there to do when you feel like you've reached the top? I'm so confident in my game that I can just be purely authentic and then game becomes meta-game because I've actually also integrated all the game concepts into my personality, and it's now extremely smooth and authentic.

I'm not saying there's no room to improve, there always is. But I'm lost, you could say at a plateau in this endeavor. I don't want to bother myself with useless theory anymore. Don't want to bother with practicing either, lol - my skills with approaching girls are already honed. I'm basically set with my skillsets which I can use to attract a woman I would want in my life, when it comes to it. I've already got an amazing lover in my life, hahahaha.

Still, I feel like there's something more to do. Do you have any ideas? Thank you.

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Seems like you have the attraction part down. The next phase is relationship mastery. Here is an awesome post on the top Relationship Resources: 


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@Austin Actualizing When you say relationships, you mean like in general or monogamous LTRs because I don't plan on having any anytime soon. When you say relationship, do you mean anything intergender that happens after attraction, no matter the level of intimacy and commitment?

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Focus on something else, a new hobby, diet and fitness, expression and creation, knowledge and wisdom. If you feel it is finished, it is the heart that is finished. You are developing a character in so many parts, look at the chakras or spiral dynamics for never ending growth. 

Is all that we see or seem

But a dream within a dream?

- Edgar Allen Poe 

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I think the next part would be learning how to keep a relationship strong and functional and how to have relationships that bring you maximum fulfillment and growth in life. 


INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

Cleared out ignore list today. 


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