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Best Resources For Meditation

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Where are the best resources for meditation. I want to improve my quality of meditating by a lot. And where can I learn about other types of meditation to do and techniques to help me along the way.

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6 hours ago, PeakPerformance said:

Where are the best resources for meditation. I want to improve my quality of meditating by a lot. And where can I learn about other types of meditation to do and techniques to help me along the way.

can i ask you what is the purpose of your meditation, and what are you doing in this meditation. what do you expect it to accomplish?

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@charlie2dogs I want to be aware and be in the present moment. I also want for my mind to have no music stuck in its head/ thoughts. I want to concentrate long periods of time/ be more creative. In the future I want to do astral projection and lucid dreaming. And making sure that my day is in a mediative state. The end goal is to reach spiritual enlightenment and gain any supernatural powers if they exist.

Edit: I also want to reach deeper states of meditation/ the maximum level you can in meditation.

Edited by PeakPerformance

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27 minutes ago, PeakPerformance said:

@charlie2dogs I want to be aware and be in the present moment. I also want for my mind to have no music stuck in its head/ thoughts. I want to concentrate long periods of time/ be more creative. In the future I want to do astral projection and lucid dreaming. And making sure that my day is in a mediative state. The end goal is to reach spiritual enlightenment and gain any supernatural powers if they exist.

Edit: I also want to reach deeper states of meditation/ the maximum level you can in meditation.

your first sentence was the right one, if you had stopped there, you would have been spot on.  If you want to practice anything, work at being aware and present in the moment, that will take you to the finish line, the rest is just distractions.  dont even seek spiritual enlightenment it does not exist, there is nothing spiritual about enlightenment.   live in the moment in a conscious awareness and being present, this is enough, functioning in the moment connects you to your core being,  your core being is what you must function as to achieve self realization.  when you function in the moment of now you are not doing it as a human being, it has to be done by your core being to mean anything.

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@charlie2dogs So is this how to be aware/ in the present moment: I focus all my version on/ look at the food I am eating while feeling the food and it's taste. And if I am looking at a tree I just look at the tree, focus my version on it, feel the tree and just be in reality. If I have thoughts or music in my head I just watch it and just hear/listen to the thought or music and not get absorb by it.

Also what do you mean by core being, the inner self? And I can't say that being mediative though out the day is a distraction neither is high concentration or the other stuff I said. I understand why you may think it's distraction because I have to do different meditation techniques and it's too much it do in one day.

Also what meditation should I do to be aware and present though out the day.

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2 minutes ago, PeakPerformance said:

@charlie2dogs So is this how to be aware/ in the present moment: I focus all my version on/ look at the food I am eating while feeling the food and it's taste. And if I am looking at a tree I just look at the tree, focus my version on it, feel the tree and just be in reality. If I have thoughts or music in my head I just watch it and just hear/listen to the thought or music and not get absorb by it.

Also what do you mean by core being, the inner self? And I can't say that being mediative though out the day is a distraction neither is high concentration or the other stuff I said. I understand why you may think it's distraction because I have to do different meditation techniques and it's too much it do in one day.

Also what meditation should I do to be aware and present though out the day.

actually you dont need meditation to do that, make everything you do a meditation, by  forcing your self to be present and aware in that moment ,in the beginning it take some work to be in the moment because we are not accustomed to being there, we are caught up in the physical body, the human identity. basically be one with the moment. when that happens there is nothing else but your core being experiencing what has arisen in the moment, your physical body wont be in the play.

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Hello mate. 

I will tell you what i am have been doing for the last couple of months and it gave me massive results. Download the meditation program called ''Holosync.'' It is binaural beat program is you are familiar with it you will know what it is about. If not,in nutshell it is basically audio recording of low frequency beats (i wont go in deep science how it is possible to produce audible frequency waves below 20 Hz) but the general idea the beats force your brain to sync with the beat. The interesting thing about it is that the beats correspond to your natural brain waves that are produces in different brain activities. Some of them you probably heard of, such alpha,beta, delta , theta etc. so the recordings are set to guide your from let's say alpha all the way to theta. Once your brain is synched with the beat,your brain hemispheres are synced which over time builds new brain structures because it forces your hemispheres to communicate better with each other which is rarely the case in modern time in age of overstimulation. When your brain is overstimulated, both hemispheres can't talk to each other and it creates neurosis. So i highly recommend it.

The program lasts for 1 hour and you have to do it each day so it will create a good meditation habit. It is kinda hard to do it, but trust me, if you meditate for 1 hour and you sit still and do nothing, you will get some serious benefits. I wont go in details what improvements i got from it, if you can trust me on it, you will be well off. Leo used it for some time, but he stopped but he basically said that it definitely rewires the brain as it is explained, which myself have experienced and i can't imagine what will happen in next 1,2,5,10 years. Also, if you purchased Leo's booklist, you find the book from the creator of Holosync on meditations and many more. 

"Repeat a lie a thousand times and it becomes the truth."

Dr. joseph Goebbels

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@charlie2dogs I don't know how to meditate though out the day. Can you tell me. Do I have to do what I said about being aware and in the present moment.@Natura Sonoris I did the demo, and while I had to hear the guy talk for some minutes, my mind was focus on the music and when he stop talking I was very still and just focused on the sound. By the time the 20 minutes were up my body was very still and my mind was very quiet. Now I can't be wearing headphones and bring my tablet out just to do a simple meditation section. And this cost money oh well. There are guided meditations on youtube but its different.

I am going to do my regular do nothing meditation after this post for 1 hour. If it takes me more than a hour to reply back thats why.

Edited by PeakPerformance

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Just now, PeakPerformance said:

@charlie2dogs I don't know how to meditate though out the day. Can you tell me. Do I have to do what I said about being aware and in the present moment.@Natura Sonoris I did the demo, and while I had to hear the guy talk for some minutes, my mind was focus on the music and when he stop talking I was very still and just focused on the sound. By the time the 20 minutes were up my body was very still and my mind was very quiet. Now I can't be wearing headphones and bring my tablet out just to do a simple meditation section. And this cost money oh well. They do have guided meditations on youtube but its different.

I going to do my regular do nothing meditation after this post for 1 hour. If it takes me more than a hour to reply back thats why.

what i told you was forget about meditation, make everything you do your meditation by being in the moment with it, present, and aware in that moment. work at that, that is the key that opens the door to your core being, just being able to be in the moment, and be present and aware is enough.

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@charlie2dogs I guess I will do what I said about being aware/being in the present moment and use tips from and

My meditation experience was fine. It started out normal. Later on it turn into breathing meditation where I was just breathing though my nose to my mouth. And while I wasn't perfectly still I manage to be very still for this meditation.

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The guy talking is just introduction for the program but it is not the program itself. There 2 tracks that are only music  called Dive and Immersion without anyone talking that both last for 30 mins which you need to listen in each level of Holosync. First one is called Awakening Prologue and then you have other levels once you complete each Awakening fully.After that it will take something like 5 years to complete all of them. If you just tried it once or for few days, it counts for nothing because this is long term benefit program but it is proven it works.

Here is Leo's quote about it :



It's complicated. If you're interested, just buy it and listen to all the explanations for how it works. It definitely works. But it does require a daily 1 hour commitment for the next 2 to 5 years. If you're not ready to make that kind of commitment, then I wouldn't bother with it.

It's basically meditation on steroids and it will detox psychological junk/baggage from the brain, which is not always pleasant. But very healthy. And overall it's quite enjoyable. Definitely way easier than starting regular meditation.

At this point I've stopped using it because I prefer regular meditation. But it was very helpful for me in the past.



"Repeat a lie a thousand times and it becomes the truth."

Dr. joseph Goebbels

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On 6/23/2016 at 8:15 AM, PeakPerformance said:

Where are the best resources for meditation. I want to improve my quality of meditating by a lot. And where can I learn about other types of meditation to do and techniques to help me along the way.

A timer to maintain consistent length sessions, a reminder thingy to tell you to meditate everyday and a big ol' bottom to sit on. 

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