
Channeled from God: 'Healing and evolving the emotional body'

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I've been reading the book 'Right use of will: healing and evolving the emotional body' for my second day now. The books is for a large part -according to the book- channeled from God, at least the understandings laid out in the book are. There was a while I thought Conversations with God might be the best (yes it's a very relative word) book series around, but this one is amazing as well. In my opinion, the understandings and dispelling of false beliefs laid out in the book are essential to have if one wants to evolve and life happily and easily.

When I tried to search for the book I couldn't download it online, but could find it at the internetarchive. Here I could wait until it was my turn to read the book, I've done this, and now was able to download the book and so have it available if someone is interested.

I'll paste some parts of the book here, so you might get inspired to read it:
To begin with, illness can be cleared by learning to listen to what the Body is trying to say to you when you are ill. Understanding this message gives the Body a most needed feeling of acceptance instead of the feeling that is you against your Body trying to defeat illness as though illness is some kind of sabotage by the Body. Illness is not sabotage; it is the Body's statement that it has been having to hold the imbalance of denied Will and needs release. If you can accept the message and regain the necessary balance, illness disappears and health prevails.

A way to work with this is to allow your full consciousness to be with the illness by entering the distress rather than blocking it, ignoring it or masking the symptoms with medication. With your full consciousness present, you can ask your Body what the message is and receive an answer about how to restore balance. Then do what Body asks and see the results. If complete healing is not reached, ask again and do again what Body asks until healing is reached. This process will evolve your ability to listen to your Body.
All the habits and appetites that man has had and enjoyed, for the most part, have been judged against as harmful to Spiritual development. Lists of things to avoid have included alcohol, sugar, red meat, drugs, caffeine, marijuana, tobacco, sex and extremes of any kind. The understanding is needed that the problem is not the substances themselves but the habit patterns and the extremes often associated with these substances. The substances have been thought to be causal, but it is consciousness that is causal and nothing else. For example, eating meat, especially red meat, has long been thought to make men too dense to receive Spiritual illumination and yet it is not causal here. The desire to eat meat has accompanied the consciousness needing it. Nourishment must match the vibration of the consciousness taking it in. All habits drop away when the consciousness is released from the need for them. In not understanding what was causal here, many have tried to break out of habits, giving up meat for example, by using discipline and control. This approach only causes the patttern of habit to change its form. The reason for the habit pattern needs to be found, and then accepted and understood, not condemned and disciplined away.

The Will is meant to guide you in this so that whatever is appropriate to any particular situation is what you feel like doing and also do.
Spiritual teaching should not be directing you to lift above and drop off the physical and emotional bodies and try to return to essence in the Godhead without them. This has been a massive spiritual misunderstanding on Earth. The reality is that this approach will not work because what is yours, is yours, and you cannot drop it off; the way is to evolve, and to evolve it you must accept it.

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@Waken Thankyou so much for this. 

8 hours ago, Waken said:

This approach only causes the patttern of habit to change its form. The reason for the habit pattern needs to be found, and then accepted and understood, not condemned and disciplined away.

This is a really awesome insight. 

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@Mada_ Happy that you appreciate it:)

Edited by Waken

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@Waken Do you have a link to the book?


"Just a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down"   --   Marry Poppins

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@Waken Thanks for your post . I am new here . Would you have a link to the book. I am willing to get rid of a physical condition. 

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Can you pm me to. And Thanks 

I will be waiting here, For your silence to break, For your soul to shake,              For your love to wake! Rumi

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