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Exploring Chakras, not for healing, but for understanding god?

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Don't know what it is, but I have a deep desire and curiosity to explore chakras, kundalini, bliss, different feelings, etc. Not for healing, not for relieving suffering not even for seeking, but for the sake of understanding, and becoming more conscious and aware of who I am (god), how I work, and exploring what types of states of consciousness are in God, what can be explored, what can be discovered metaphysically. I'm just so excited and curious about Myself, that I just want to explore deeper and deeper about what I am, really. I'm sort of like a metaphysical scientist, that's just deeply curious about what I am, what I'm made of. I want to explore, discover, see different metaphysical aspects of myself, etc.

Do kundalini or chakra practices fit this bill? Are they helpful for exploring yourself for the sake of quenching your curiosity? Or are they really just made up systems for healing and relieving suffering?

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Honestly this is what really started my awakening and cleared my mind, I'm surprised that you haven't awakened this already since I have seen your posts and you seem pretty awake. 

Ive had so many awakening experiences and I think that is due to kundalini, not my own spiritual practice 

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1 minute ago, DreamScape said:

you seem pretty awake. 

Yeah I've got some pretty good coffee in the cupboard hahaha. 

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Can you trust something that you forget any moment? 

You talk about memory  of experience being as something that you can keep and is never changing,something that you can keep as yours. 

Good luck I guess. 





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2 minutes ago, purerogue said:

Can you trust something that you forget any moment? 

You talk about memory  of experience being as something that you can keep and is never changing,something that you can keep as yours. 

Good luck I guess. 





The motivation is not coming from a lack, and a need to fill that lack. Its coming from being drawn to the beauty of the universe and a thrust to immerse with it and explore it.

If it gets forgotten, that's ok. 

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I do think personally that the energetic system should be the results of psycho-spiritual work. Our integrity along the process reflects the functioning of these chakras. So in order to explore this technology you just need to be more honest with yourself and loving (where Truth and Love meet through integrity). If the technology is our only purpose there will be a big chance it will turn into forcing the energetic system without really understanding and integrating it. This also means that your divine blueprint (soul) and karma also kinda indicate which centers are your main issues or interests. 

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Chakras are stages of development, levels of awareness, and become more complex as one awakens to the fine balance that is required in each. (...debating if I should go all in right now) (*drinks coffee)

This is how I have come to realize the stages. 

It begins in the Root Chakra. The Source connecting you into the physical body. Like a flower trying to root Itself into the word, it is about survival. Continuously improving our methods of staying in this physical reality where we use the body and have to always be Acting. The big conflict of the root is Fear vs Trust. 

At basic, the Sacral Chakra provides the reaction of the action in the root. It deals with Feeling. First like a flower feels for the sun, and more complex like a human emotionally reacting to a certain scenario. 

The Solar Plexus is is the Thinking box. It helps a flower develop and build a certain identity like adapting thrones or growing quickly and tall. In a person, this is the basic brain functions of seeing and feeling what is happening and then putting that external world into our internal world. 

The way you Act, Feel, and Think is all processed into your Heart Chakra. Like the ‘heartdrive’ of a computer, all the information that is received from the first 3 chakras and the next 3 chakras goes into your heart. Depending on who you are and how you experience the reality, what comes from the heart could be love and compassion, or it could be hate and darkness. 

The Throat Chakra is what the Heart uses to speak through the Body. It shapes how you express yourself, how you communicate, and what you create for the world. 

The Third Eye Chakra uses the Mind. Like another eye, it tries to understand and find something deeper to what is being presented. Finding knowledge and ‘truth’, or becoming aware of the many insights that are so unseen to the naked eye. 

Lastly, the Crown Chakra. The connection to Spirit, and back to the root source. The Crown is a reflection of all the Chakras. It holds your Wisdom and is the key to your real self. The Spirit game is fought by good vs. evil,  light vs. dark. Will you choose to be an Angel  or a Devil? 

Very broad and quick summary. There is so much more. This is only my own perspective. I have studied chakras for years, personally meditating on them and writing hundreds of charts to Organize and simplify the meanings find my own definitions. Many conflicting explanations of the chakras are everywhere, this is what I found to be my reality. 

would love some feedback ❤️  ?

Is all that we see or seem

But a dream within a dream?

- Edgar Allen Poe 

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6 hours ago, SoonHei said:


Healing = Understanding of God

As if you were saying: Drinking Water, not to wet the mouth, but to quench the thirst.  :)

Yeah but i think theres a distinction between relieving suffering and quenching curiosity.

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16 hours ago, Chakra Lion said:

The Solar Plexus is is the Thinking box. It helps a flower develop and build a certain identity like adapting thrones or growing quickly and tall. In a person, this is the basic brain functions of seeing and feeling what is happening and then putting that external world into our internal world. 

you probably wanted to say: the solar plexus is pandora’s box does not have a lot to do with thinking. its one of the more complex parts of the whole system. of course it has an intelligence, like other chakras also have quite their own intelligence, and like your mind you can train it - but not without training the third eye. so calling it the thinking box is either an ego mechanism which keeps you from clear view, or an attempt to trigger interest. the over emphasis on solarplexus is exactly what’s making up a lot of contemporary times problems. in a sense it’s by far usually not trained enough to be compared to the upper chakras.  we use to give mind stuff much too much importance that’s why we call that area then a thinking entity instead of calling the third eye our emotional/sensual filter.

Edited by remember

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@remember so what terms do you use to describe the characteristics of the solar plexus? That it is Pandora’s box and creates problems? 

Is all that we see or seem

But a dream within a dream?

- Edgar Allen Poe 

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2 hours ago, Chakra Lion said:

@remember so what terms do you use to describe the characteristics of the solar plexus? That it is Pandora’s box and creates problems? 

no not only - but a lot of wanting and willing and also impulsive emotions rise from there to the head as energy because its also connected to instincts. emotions like anger arise from there. i would not describe it in any ways i would say try to explore it deeper in these aspects.

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