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Leo Its not fair that you have stopped a thread

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Leo,it’s not fair that you have stopped a thread because of my opinions.Surely that is not how duality (mirror imaging works) works.You've introduced another rule.What was in the thread that offended so much? If I am God what are you doing outside of me? That is just a question I have. I know I keep going on about the two off biological computers but it is just my opinion based on practical nuts and bolts experience.I have given my reason as to why I think there are two computers in our heads and how in my opinion they both share our consciousness state if we allow it.I have explained my belief that if we bring ourselves back  into the moment (back in synch) that this is a different consciousness state.My view is that this in synch state sits outside of what could be viewed as the physical matter i.e. It sits in the spacey bits between matter if you think of the space between atoms as an example.I have explained my views that this space is full of light and full of darkness equally and therefore another glassey sea NEUTRAL factor comes into play that totally encompasses light and darkness ((duality).What is so offensive about that? I am a deep thinker as well as you.

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There ain't no computers; Existence is prior to any explanations. I perceive that as an obvious fact and wonder why it's difficult for many people to accept it. I wonder why people like to create maps and assume that there are rules to existence.

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@LentoThere aren't any computers?? Are you denying that you have a head now? 

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1 hour ago, Prevailer said:

@Lento Are you denying that you have a head now?

There is a head, but unless I'm mistaken, possession is imaginary.

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@Lento All this transcendal meditation is fine,I practice it myself. ..I’m not knocking that but to say that transcending beyond the physical and beyond thoughts and any reasonings and then implying that they don’t matter any more and all that matters is awareness and only awareness is off the mark, in my opinion.Yes trying to understand the I AM, as I call it, is an honourable task but you have to re-associate the I AM back with our thoughts and our physical bodies.Meditation to me is the going in and the coming out to build the body/person up not to  dismantle/deny a persons make up.I know that the view of some is that this is just grounding...whats wrong with grounding? You at least keep your sanity.I call it anchoring.From my experience just practicing one way inward meditation is not the answer.There is something called out ward meditation as well.

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@SoonHeibut that is only a believe system that has come out of your reasonings. I thought we were trying to do away with reasonings. 

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Just now, Prevailer said:

@SoonHeibut that is only a believe system that has come out of your reasonings. I thought we were trying to do away with reasonings. 

Imagine if it wasn't a belief, but something you can SEE in the present moment, with shock, awe and amazement. That cause and effect are but illusions. Even if you think that's proposterous, wouldn't be worth inspecting just in case :o

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@Prevailer yes. it is a truth. you hear it and then you register it and then you drop it

thorn taking out a thorn - and then dropping them both


like: drop interest in all thoughts, including this thought

it's a direction. you follow it and then you throw away the instruction

Love Is The Answer

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2 minutes ago, SoonHei said:

@Prevailer yes. it is a truth. you hear it and then you register it and then you drop it

thorn taking out a thorn - and then dropping them both


like: drop interest in all thoughts, including this thought

it's a direction. you follow it and then you throw away the instruction

With all due respect it’s still the individuals belief system that it is true in the first may be false.What you accept as truth could be false and what you accept as false could be truth........let’s just agree to disagree.

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30 minutes ago, Prevailer said:

@Lento but you have to re-associate the I AM back with our thoughts and our physical bodies.

This is my path too but I don't know about other people's paths. As well, I think there's no obligation to do anything at all. It's all just existence doing itself, so what could possibly go wrong?

Sure, we can still talk about civil rights, morality, rules, etc... and other relative matters. There are no contradictions here. But the fundamental truths should be realised first, and only upon them we can create whatever constructions we agree upon.

That's called integral thinking, I guess.

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@Lento Lento, there is a lot of mental health issues out there.I prefer to be grounded/anchored.My view is that there are certain meditation practices that can seriously mess with your mental health/well being.Yes we should meditate but we need to keep a balance between inward and outward meditation.

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7 hours ago, Prevailer said:

Leo, it’s not fair that you have stopped a thread because of my opinions.Surely that is not how duality (mirror imaging works) works.

As stated in the thread, the thread was locked for spreading misinformation about awakening and God. Leo said in his latest video, the forum will have higher standards about the spread of misinformed opinions.  If the opinions expressed are spreading misinformation, there is a good chance a thread will get locked. For example, if someone started threads about their "opinions" that the coronavirus is a hoax created by China, the thread will likely get locked. Similarly, the spread of misinformation about conspiracy theories, meditation, psychedelics, Reiki, genetics, awakening, nonduality, God etc. may get locked. . . One cannot use "It's just my opinion" as a shield while spreading misinformation. 

Be here to learn and grow. 

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