
Do Enlightened people think, or just act on their feelings?

21 posts in this topic

“Do Enlightened people think, or just act on their feelings?”

The misnomer is a paradox that does not exist and is transcended with your realization, which is brought about via scrutinizing the thought. When a person becomes enlightened, what that ‘means’, is that person realized they are not a person, they never were a person, and there never was such a thing as people. Awareness stopped believing thoughts. Not in a theory, right now, only right now - or never at all. Likewise, there are no “enlightened people”, there is awareness.  So when you ask “what do enlightened people_______” the question is already false. 

As such, there is not an individual ‘thinking’, nor ‘acting on their feelings’. There is awareness, aware of thought, perception & feeling, which is to say, awareness aware of awareness. 

On 3/12/2020 at 11:06 AM, Javfly33 said:

What is the difference between having 3000 thoughts a day in a self-referential mode, or have like 10-20 thoughts that are precisely there to act on them?

No one can tell you the difference. Every answer is heard through a context of ‘individual people’, who are or are not “enlightened”. Consider (as an example of a thought) if you heard someone say..

“man...I get so mad at myself sometimes!”

Clearly the  “ I “ is a reference to awareness. So who is this “myself” which is being talked about? This is a very subtle self referential means of deflecting responsibility for the anger to a separate self, “myself”. This person will continue to get angry until they address that there is no “myself” involved. That might sound like...”ok. Alright. I’m going to take a look here....why am getting angry?” This could be said to be the beginning of the discovery of how feeling, perception and thought are being mixed to create the previously mentioned diversion of feeling, via the creating of a “myself” to be angry at. If the statement or thought was simply...”I am angry”...then inspection continues...”why...am I angry?”.  That inspection can then continue...”well...what am anyways?” “What am I actually triggered by here?”...inevitably leading to the realization of a deluded perspective / belief (suffering).  (Not implying you’re angry, just an example)


It seems when I've been in days when I've had very little thoughts my actions are more or less the same.

In everyday conversation, this would be a very rude thing to say....with regard to what you are inquiring here, this is helpful (imo)...that ⬆️ is self referential thinking. There is no past, no future, and no “you” (“myself”). That, simply you saying that, is what perpetuates the “separate self” (mind ‘oxing’). 

There is still an accreditation to the separate self via I’ve been in days. Have you “been in days”? Or is that one single thought which arose? As a concession maybe, a memory. (Which is just a thought, a sexy one believability wise maybe, but a thought nonetheless) 

Similarly, I’ve had very little thoughts’ is actually one thought, now. It’s not ’true’. It’s self referential...saying that perpetuates a “you”, a “past”...the ox loves this, so to speak.


I feel maybe 5% more free from the mind,

You are awareness of thought, You are not imprisoned in any way by thought. The ox can not be bartered with. It will take, take, take. It will take your bartering without a care. With these thoughts, you recreate the ox, sustain it, give it “life”.  

Let the thought go... what is the feeling?


but my mind keeps running the show. What 3000 thoughts a day do give is illusion of control. Maybe thats why it's hard to let go of thoughts, because one can imagine how would be to actually be free. It's very foreign to be free from your mind.

There is no “my mind”, that is a thought which perpetuates a separate self, the haver of a mind. Control / no control, is a thought. Illusion / no illusion, is a thought. Easy / hard, is a thought. Future, is a thought. Free / not free, is a thought. Foreign / not foreign, is a thought. “Your mind”, is a thought. 

If you ‘reframe’ these simply as...- thoughts -. What does feeling tells you’ about this? It is Good, or it is not good? Feeling is decisive, especially when it is allowed to lead.


I wonder if enlightened people really can choose accurate thoughts, act on them, and then the mind is silent. That would be amazing.

That is already your actuality. A thought arises that it is not... and that thought is either believed, ...or not. Let thinking go - by awareness of perception, and feeling. Only thought tells the story of two. Perception (without thought) is always One. Feeling (without thought) is always One. 



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