
Most Beautiful Psychdelic?

10 posts in this topic

Hey guys!
My LP is strongly related to beauty, and it's when I see something that's so visually stunning that I'm blown away by it, that I feel most alive - 
and most in tune with life.
Personally, my most visually stunning trip was Changa(Dmt), smoked in joints, with weed. almost get tears in my eyes when I think about it.

What's the most visually stunning psychedlic in your experience? :)

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2 minutes ago, The Lucid Dreamer said:

@RestWithinTheHeart Not a lot can beat DMT, but being on high doses of LSD out in nature while the sun is out and everything is green and lush almost makes me die from sheer beauty.

Oh, yeah, I remember looking into chamomile head on my first acid full trip.... such a beauty :x

What a dream, what a joke, love it   :x

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@RestWithinTheHeart That's an interesting question. For me, psychedelics don't give me external visualizations. They do enhance colors, yet they don't create new stuff. Rather, they raise my awareness and appreciation of beauty. For example, I may notice a bee interacting with a flower and it's the most beautiful thing I've ever seen. It can bring me to my hands and knees with tears. Yet it's not like the bee or flower is visually distorted - it's more like my appreciation is enhanced.

In terms of CEVs, 4-ho-met is by far the most visually stunning. I close my eyes and may enter a virtual reality that blows away anything I've ever seen. Last year, I went to a Pink Floyd show in a planetarium filled with high tech animations. We needed to get there about 5 hours before doors opened. Afterwards, people were talking about how amazing it was. A friend of mine asked what I thought and I said "I feel bad that that's the best normies will ever see". Compared to 4-ho-met CEVs, it was like watching a 1980s Atari game through fog. 

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@Serotoninluv  Noted! I'll be sure to try and get hold of this one :)
It's rare for "regular life" to come close to what we see on psy, but since starting meditation, getting knocked out when sober happens much more often.  - Appreciation definitely being a key word.

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5-meo-dmt was a pure Beauty, but you can't describe it ?

What a dream, what a joke, love it   :x

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i have a gram of DPT on the way hopefully it'll do better than what my 5meo did for me. Might have been a bit out of date. i just love the idea of cleansing my mind so much that i dont experience any kind of fear whatsoever during my DMT trips...i have glimpses of memories about it and holy fuck...its like i enter a different dimension of reality. I cant believe it every time its amazing <3

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My life purpose also has to do with beauty, at least, appreciation of beauty is my number one strength :) When I read your question my first thought was psilocybin!!!! The reason being, things can be soo beautiful, and also and maybe more importantly, it has forever shifted my perception of beauty and my ability to see it!! 

"You Create Magic" 

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