
Make Your Immune System Bulletproof Now

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Did a search and didn't see a good thread to revive...think Dr. Berg does pretty good


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This is a 2016 vid....one poster wrote: "I just tried this... It is strong as hell. It woke up my ancestors."  xD


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Here's another one from Dr. Berg,,,,,Scholar won't agree with what he says from 7:53 on and his numbers are definitely off now, so you are forbidden to watch that part ;)   Don't slay the parrot...


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@unicity thank you! i‘ll have a look.

i also read that especially regarding the corona virus a lot of sources recommend to keep the vit-d levels up and at the moment a canadian laboratory is testing quercetin against it in a chinese hospital. they say it worked quite good preventive against other viruses like ebola - there was a post in another thread with a video about it.

last time i had a nosocomial infection i had really good results with neem tablets. they can also work preventive but should not be used for a long time period so i would rather have them as a back up. although i thought neem in a nosespray could maybe be preventive. as they say it prevents a virus from entering a cell. maybe this could be more interesting for people who have a weak lung - some people are more affected than others.

Edited by remember

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52 minutes ago, remember said:


i also read that especially regarding the corona virus a lot of sources recommend to keep the vit-d levels up and at the moment a canadian laboratory is testing quercetin against it in a chinese hospital. they say it worked quite good preventive against other viruses like ebola - there was a post in another thread with a video about it.

OH Man! Sorry but I'm gonna be wordy here.....Dr. Berg up above in one of those videos said  something about taking like 40.000 i.u. of vitamin d per day....jeez that's a lot...I have read of people ultra dosing vitamin d for MS so I don't know.

I posted that video about a Canadian doctor working with people in China testing quercetin for Covid-19 and various viruses...I put that video I think in one of those Coronavirus threads up in the Government, ect. discussions....all of those threads should have been posted here in the Health discussion. There are many things being tested to fight Covid-19 in China and I'm making this post to tell about another exciting one.

First, I have read many times how that often people are low in vitamin d, low in magnesium and low in vitamin C....there are several doctors on youtube videos going on about how mega dosing vitamin C will knock out viruses....they say that when a person gets ill they will burn through massive amounts without causing diarrhea. They say. when ill to take as much as you can without causing diarrhea. One said something high, maybe 20,000 mg every few hours around the clock until better, one doctor says keep taking that much for a day or two after one feels better.  Dr. Berg says that vitamin C using in that way is just creating an acidic effect (I guess just burning off the virus, maybe like chemo for cancer) Dr. Berg says you would be better off using organic apple cider vinegar instead.   

Jeez....just go the link below and read a bunch of feedback on monolaurin, People are raving that it will help about anything but fix the clear coat paint on an old vehicle....it is a derivative of lauric acid which can be found in coconuts, coconut oil and breast milk. Monolaurin is just much more concentrated than those. People are saying they love it and won't be without it the rest of their life. They are using it for colds, viruses,colitus, herpes, arthritis, fibro, CFS, lyme disease, EBV, crohn's, candida, UTIs, lupus, H pylori, IBS .....one posted their plantar warts fell off their feet. One posted that his friend in the  Philippines used it for HIV and that his following tests didn't show he had HIV anymore  (Do you call that remission or cured?). Doctors are telling their patients to use it.

Monolaurin is also being tested in China against Covid-19.

@Leo Gura In the truckload of supplements you've bought did you ever try monolaurin? I would think you came across it in a CFS chatroom or such. I realize you are on break but maybe someday you'll see this or maybe someone can point it out to you but maybe you'll be all healed up by then.  


Think I'm gonna try the Lauricidin® brand as I have some fatigue as well I'd like gone plus it should be more armour against the covid-19. This one you can choose your dose as they are little pellets.

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@unicity just checked, too high a vit-d dose will lead to vit-d intoxication and can also lead to kidney stones. i would be careful with that then. it’s like with the vit-c, too much is counterproductive. general advice is 100 microgram is a tolerable dose per day, its 4000 iu.

of course at the beginning it’s possible to take more but its not recommended daily in a high dose for a longer period of time.

Edited by remember

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Personally, I have taken 10,000 to 20,000 IU D3 a day with no issues. You have to take vitamin K2 and Magnesium along with it to prevent side effects (see: Vitamin K2 and the Calcium Paradox).

Much of the knowledge on D3 out there is outdated, people have taken 60,000 IU daily for months with no side effects (although I wouldn't necessarily recommend it, always exercise caution and track your levels with blood tests).

Relevant study: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/28012936

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Lemon, ginger, turmeric, pineapple, garlic, cayenne pepper, raw honey, oregano, coconut water ect... make juice daily, eat lots of vitamin c and water rich fruits and eat a rainbow salad with all vegetables and fungi, pair with daily exercise, sunshine and spending time in nature and connecting with its elements daily, nothing can touch you.

Edited by pluto


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Trustful information from the Ayurveda perspective.

If you follow the Ayurveda diet you will notice that it changes from month to month, very seasonal and varies accordingly with the climate. It's entirely connected with the five elements. And the key word it's "Depends".

As our bodies and mind are constantly changing the food choices should suit our needs for us to stay balanced.

What could be a medicine for me can be a poison for you!

On this very specific case guidelines are less specific.


The cronavirus is not heat-resistant which means heat (above 26 – 27°C) will kill it off. The best way to avoid contracting the virus is to maintain your body heat through exercise, drinking hot drinks (water or herbal teas) and eating foods which create heat in the body such as chillies, ginger and pepper.


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“Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence” --Carl Sagan

one day this will all be memories

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@unicity regarding the monolaurin - i don’t know but i had really good experiences with coconut oil for mouth hygiene. i started to do flushes of the respiratory tract with the neti pot again and i put in half a tea spoon of salt and half a tea spoon of coconut oil recently - i think it gives the nose a protective shield and also provides healing for a minor inflammation i have.

also had a look about neem oil but unfortunately that is nothing to put on nasal tissue it would probably be hurtful.

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15 minutes ago, unicity said:

IV vitamin C


i guess that’s something that should be provided not preventive - except for elderly (at the moment). i guess that’s what would be helpful for the people in intensive care. in europe you wouldn’t even find a doctor to do it at the moment, because that’s shi shi in comparison to hygienic measurements. and actually i wouldn’t want to go to the doctors office to get one of these at the moment, carrying home something else from there maybe? xD its half joke half serious.

Edited by remember

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@remember Totally agree on catching something else going where sick people are or have been.

I think one can just get powdered vitamin C, Probably don't need to take extra vitamin C in the warmer part of the year if you have a decent diet and aren't fighting a health problem but in the colder season I'd take 1 to 5 grams a day. If one catches a cold or flu then could really ramp up to bowel tolerance. 

Here's a place to get some armor to battle the new " Wu Hu Flu"


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23 hours ago, Bruno NuAr said:

The cronavirus is not heat-resistant which means heat (above 26 – 27°C) will kill it off.

i guess the numbers are not celsius - body temp is 36/37 celsius. usually bacteria die at 60 or better 90 degree (at least washing in the washing machine).

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Coronaviruses (MERS-CoV) died when under environmental circumstances of 56 degrees Celsius (132 degrees F) for 25 minutes. Increasing the temperature to 65 degrees Celsius (149 degrees F) was even better and only one minute was needed to kill viruses. No killing was observed after 2 hours at 25 degrees Celsius (77 degrees F). 

The dried virus on smooth surfaces retained viability for over 5 days at temperatures of 22-25 degrees Celsius (72-77 degrees F) and relative humidity of 40-50%, typical of air-conditioned environments. However, viruses died quickly at higher temperatures and higher relative humidity (38 degrees Celsius – 100 degrees F – and relative humidity greater than 95%). This explains why Malaysia, Indonesia or Thailand with high temperature and high relative humidity environments do not have major community outbreaks of SARS. 

At a relative humidity of 75%, infectivity of the coronavirus was very sensitive to temperature, decreasing two orders of magnitude between 19 and 25 degrees Celsius (77 degrees F). 

At 4 degrees Celsius (39 degrees F), coronaviruses live up to 28 days but they can be inactivated at low levels of 20% relative humidity. The inactivation was more rapid at 20 degrees Celsius (68 degrees F) at all humidity levels. The viruses were inactivated more rapidly at 40 degrees Celsius (104 degrees F) than at 20 degrees Celsius. When high numbers of viruses are deposited on surfaces, coronaviruses causing both GI symptoms and respiratory symptoms may survive for days on surfaces. 

SARS-coronaviruses may be shed into the environment and transferred from environmental surfaces to hands of patients and healthcare providers. Once contaminated, hands can then initiate self-inoculation of mucous membrane of the nose, eyes, or mouth. 

Coronavirus infectivity was completely lost after 14 days of incubation at 22 degrees Celsius (72 degrees F), 33 degrees Celsius (91.4 degrees F), or 37 degrees Celsius (98.6 degrees F) but remained constant at 4 degrees Celsius (39.2 degrees F) for the same length of time. 

SARS coronavirus is inactivated at 56 degrees Celsius (132.8 degrees F), reducing the titer to below detection.  


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@unicity Oh, I love this doctor too!

"All that we know is limited, something we don't - is infinite"

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