The issue of abuse on the forum

By Martin123 in Personal Development -- [Main],
I do not know which section to post this in, I am posting this in here as this section is the most frequented.

First let's quote the guidelines
I have personally witnessed several instances of gas lighting and rather abusive and aggressive tendencies on the forum in the past few days.
Namely it was in interactions with the users @remember and @BETGR164128.

As someone who comes from a narcissistic family, speaking up against abuse is one of the greatest tools that instigate healing for me. Often after speaking up, I go through experiences of releasing stored traumatic memories and intense emotional releases, and a rewiring of my nervous system. That is why I also understand the incredibly destructive nature of such behavior, and I do not understand why this type of behavior goes unnoticed by moderators. Yet I have even witnessed such behavior to be encouraged by moderators @Inliytened1. 
Not only is it a violation of the guidelines, but it is abuse that does actual emotional and psychological damage to psyches and nervous systems. If you were to see such behavior in person, it would be deemed inappropriate and intolerable by most. Yet it goes without any notice on the forum.

In my perception, further tolerance for such behavior only perpetuates denial and creates breeding grounds for more abuse, manipulation, confusion and pain. Only more distractions from genuine healing and the realizations of the spiritual path so many chose to explore here on the forum (as Leo said in the guidelines), on a forum that to many is almost like a 'Zen-temple', not a place to tolerate abuse.

To outline the threads I had in mind:       
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