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Joe Biden's most possible cabinate

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I was quite shocked to see this video -

If elected, joe biden's cabinate will look more like a Corporation board than a public administration. He is going to empower the CEO's and big businessmen who will do the job that they are best at doing - rig governmental institution to give their Corporation leverage. And what do they leave for average people? Nothing. So they are planning just to go pre- trump era status quo. By doing that,  they are only going to do favours for themselves. If the picture is like this, then giving joe biden the nomination will change nothing even if he gets elected. The primaries are not over yet. Now the decision lies to the voter - whether they will vote for a candidate like biden who will only serve his corporate friends or Bernie, who is advocating for the welfare of common people since the beginning of his political career. Bernie is an honest candidate who genuinely care for people. Giving him the nomination is the only chance available in 2020 for the Americans to balance the rigged system to their favour. 

Edited by Annoynymous

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