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Visualisation for absolute infinity

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If you are strong into visualizations, I have found something that has worked for me. Note that I already experienced ego death, nothingness and infinity without psychedelics and visualisation, however its worth a try.


Keeping it simple:

First you need to visualise a story, best is to say everything you see out loud. You start somewhere go up a stairway to the soul etc. etc. Once you are deep into your story, fall down into the darkness until you don't fall anymore, imagine being in the darkness in space (no stars, just darkness/room). Then question that darkness/room, until you realise that there are no directions, no movements, "look around" until you realise there is no around, no up, no down, no left, no right.
Then look at your Body and realise there is no Body. You can do this for a few minutes.
Really feel the mind fuck of that paradox, try to move, look around etc. even though its pointless. FEEL THE INFINITE ROOM.

Most important part is, once you start to feel "something", try to become the room. fill the entirety of the infinite room with your sense of self. Your are probably going to feel the infinity, don't focus on that. There is no possibility to grab infinity with your attention. just fill, feel and become the room.

If your heart starts pounding, congratulations.

Try this and tell me if it works for you.

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