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Non duality with closed eyes

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I never experienced non duality during a trip. I normally trip with closed eyes. So I ask me if I will recognize non duality with closed eyes and will it be different compared with open eyes? Will non duality shock me if I will experience this for the first time?

I am always a little nervous during a trip that from one second to the next I will experience this truth and it will change my life forever. 

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Can somebody who experienced non duality share his opinion if non duality with closed eyes is differnt than with open eyes? 

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It depends on the usage of "nondual". In the strictest sense, nondual is "not two". If there is "not two" how can there be a difference? There aren't two different things to compare. In this context, there is no difference between eyes open and eyes closed - they are the same. 

Looser usages of the term "nondual" might include an experience of a "collective consciousness". For example, someone might be out in the forest and there sense of self dissolves and consciousnesses is experienced as the entire forest (rather than "me" walking through a forest). Or a person could stare with a deer such that separation between me and the deer dissolve and there is only one. Seer and seen is the same. These contextualized examples are a looser description of nonduality. In this context, nonduality would be contextualized as a different experience between eyes closed and eyes open.

I would do whatever you prefer. I've had what I consider nondual experiences with 5-meo with both eyes closed and eyes open. Both are good. 

For me, the experience would depend more on which psychedelic is used. I don't get CEVs with 5-meo, yet I get very strong CEVs on 4-ho-met - it's like being in the most amazing virtual reality imaginable. 

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14 minutes ago, OBEler said:

Can somebody who experienced non duality share his opinion if non duality with closed eyes is differnt than with open eyes? 

It will not matter.  There won't be a you in a non-dual state as you will be pure Consciousness.  


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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