
God on enlightenment and meditation

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An excerpt from Conversations with God, on reaching a state of total awareness and tools such as meditation.


Now some beings even choose to experience both the forgetfulness of being with the body, and the oneness of the soul, at once. These beings can train a part of themselves to not identify with the body while they are still with the body, thus experiencing the ecstasy of knowing Who They Really Are, without having to lose human wakefulness in order to do it.

How do they do this? How can I do this?

It is a question of awareness, of reaching a state of total awareness, as I said before. You cannot do totally aware, you can only be totally aware.

How? How? There must be some tools You can give me.

Daily meditation is one of the best tools with which to create this experience. With it, you can raise your life energy to the highest chakra.....and even leave your body while you are “awake.”

In meditation you place yourself in a state of readiness to experience total awareness while your body is in a wakened state. This state of readiness is called true wakefulness. You do not have to be sitting in meditation to experience this. Meditation is simply a device, a "tool,” as you put it. But you do not have to do sitting meditation in order to experience this.

You should also know that sitting meditation is not the only kind of meditation there is. There is also stopping meditation. Walking meditation. Doing meditation. Sexual meditation.

This is the state of true wakefulness.

When you stop in this state, simply stop in your tracks, stop going where you are going, stop doing what you are doing, just stop for a moment, and just "be” right where you are, you become right, exactly where you are. Stopping, even just for a moment, can be blessed. You look around, slowly, and you notice things you did not notice while you were passing them by. The deep smell of the earth just after it rains. That curl of hair over the left ear of your beloved. How truly good it feels to see a child at play.

You don’t have to leave your body to experience this. This is the state of true wakefulness. When you walk in this state, you breathe in every flower, you fly with every bird, you feel every crunch beneath your feet. You find beauty and wisdom. For wisdom is found wherever beauty is formed. And beauty is formed everywhere, out of all the stuff of life. You do not have to seek it. It will come to you.

And you don’t have to leave your body to experience this. This is the state of true wakefulness.

When you "do” in this state, you turn whatever you are doing into a meditation, and thus, into a gift, an offering, from you to your soul, and from your soul to The All. Washing dishes, you enjoy the warmth of the water caressing your hands, and marvel at the wonder of both water, and warmth. Working at your computer, you see the words appear on the screen in front of you in response to the command of your fingers, and exhilarate over the power of the mind and body, when it is harnessed to do your bidding. Preparing dinner, you feel the love of the universe which brought you this nourishment, and as your return gift, pour into the making of this meal all the love of your being. It does not matter how extravagant or how simple the meal is. Soup can be loved into deliciousness.

You don’t have to leave your body to experience this. This is the state of true wakefulness. When you experience sexual energy exchange in this state, you know the highest truth of Who You Are. The heart of your lover becomes your home. The body of your lover becomes your own. Your soul no longer imagines itself separate from anything.

You don’t have to leave your body to experience this. This is the state of true wakefulness. When you are in readiness, you are in wakefulness. A smile can take you there. A simple smile. Just stop everything for one moment, and smile. At nothing. just because it feels good. Just because your heart knows a secret. And because your soul knows what the secret is. Smile at that. Smile a lot. It will cure whatever ails you.

You are asking me for tools, and lam giving them to you.

Breathe. That is another tool. Breathe long and deep. Breathe slowly and gently. Breathe in the soft, sweet nothingness of life, so full of energy, so full of love. It is God’s love you are breathing. Breathe deeply, and you can feel it. Breathe very, very deeply, and the love will make you cry.

For joy.

For you have met your God, and your God has introduced you to your soul.

Once this experience has taken place, life is never the same. People talk of having "been to the mountain top,” or having slipped into sublime ecstasy. Their beingness is changed forever.

Thank You. I understand. It is the simple things. The simple acts, and the purest.

Yes. But know this. Some people meditate for years and never experience this. It has to do with how open one is, how willing. And also, how able to move away from any expectation.

Should I meditate every day?

As in all things, there are no "shoulds” or "shouldn’ts” here. It is not a question of what you should do, but what you choose to do.

Some souls seek to walk in awareness. Some recognize that in this life most people are sleepwalking; unconscious. They are going through life without consciousness. Yet souls who walk in awareness choose a different path. They choose another way.

They seek to experience all the peace and joy, limitlessness and freedom, wisdom and love that Oneness brings, not just when they have dropped the body and it has "fallen” (asleep), but when they have risen the body up.

It is said of a soul which creates such an experience, "His is risen.” Others, in the so-called "New Age,” term this a process of "consciousness raising.”

It doesn’t matter what terms you use (words are the least reliable form of communication), it all comes down to living in awareness. And then, it becomes total awareness.

And what is it of which you eventually become totally aware? You eventually become totally aware of Who You Are.

Daily meditation is one way you may achieve this. Yet it requires commitment, dedication—a decision to seek inner experience, not outer reward.

And remember, the silences hold the secrets. And so the sweetest sound is the sound of silence. This is the song of the soul.

If you believe the noises of the world rather than the silences of your soul, you will be lost.

So daily meditation is a good idea.

A good idea? Yes. Yet know again what I have just said here. The song of the soul may be sung many ways. The sweet sound of silence may be heard many times.

Some hear the silence in prayer. Some sing the song in their work. Some seek the secrets in quiet contemplation, others in less contemplative surroundings.

When mastery is reached—or even intermittently experienced—the noises of the world can be muffled, the distractions quieted, even in the midst of them. All of life becomes a meditation.

All of life is a meditation, in which you are contemplating the Divine. This is called true wakefulness, or mindfulness.

Experienced in this way, everything in life is blessed. There is struggle and pain and worry no more. There is only experience, which you may choose to label in any way you wish. You may choose to label all of it perfection.

So use your life as a meditation, and all the events in it. Walk in wakefulness, not as one asleep. Move with mindfulness, not mindlessly, and do not tarry in doubt and fear, neither in guilt nor self-recrimination, yet reside in permanent splendor in the assurance that you are grandly loved. You are always One with Me. You are forever welcome. Welcome home.

For your home is in My heart, and Mine in yours. I invite you to see this in life as you will surely see it in death. Then you will know that there is no death, and that what you have called life and death are both part of the same unending experience.

We are all that is, all that ever was, and all that ever will be, world without end.


Edited by Waken

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@Waken Beautiful! Make all of life meditation is such a key point. 

Formal sit down meditation is great and very helpful, I still do it most days, but the most important thing is realizing we are ALWAYS meditating as meditation is what we are, not something we do. Formal meditation just allows us to completely rest for X amount of time. 

Of course, we can also 'water down' meditation to help reach more people, such as those looking to meditate for anxiety, or for sleep, or just for Mindfulness, but of course, the highest meditation is resting as Primordial Awareness or finding the silence in Self-Inquiry. 

For the highest teaching is Silence.

'One is always in the absolute state, knowingly or unknowingly for that is all there is.' Francis Lucille. 

'Peace and Happiness are inherent in Consciousness.' Rupert Spira 

“Your own Self-Realization is the greatest service you can render the world.” Ramana Maharshi

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