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Chakra Lion

Vulnerability & Acceptance - Waking Up

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There is this certain feeling one gets in the middle of the heart, this pressure of knowing something you did was wrong. The same feeling is there when you know that the next move you make might result in a negative result. Maybe when you try to start a conversation with a stranger things will turn out to be embarrassing and awkward. Maybe the things you did in the past were weird and damaging to others, and it’s a part of you that should hide. Maybe you are faced with looking at yourself a certain way, asked to drop a belief or ideology that you have proudly held, and like a lost newborn, take on a new identity. 

Vulnerability is to risk getting hurt. You are putting yourself on the line, ready to do what your heart tells you to. Like beings have done for so long, we are willing to risk the chance for a reward. Leaving the cave, falling in love, trusting others, the chance for failure is there, but the reward outweighs the risk greatly. That is why it’s so important to follow your heart. To speak from your heart and to open your heart. Trust in the ways that you are walking, but continue to be open. 

Acceptance is to receive something, either into your mind or into the physical world. When we are vulnerable, there is a part of us that is open to new experiences, to new versions of ourselves yet to be discovered. Acceptance is a change, or the start of something new. A new friend or a new perspective. It could be starting a YouTube Channel or becoming Vegan. You are bringing it into your reality, identifying with it, and are again repeating the cycle of being vulnerable. Acceptance is also the end. When something fails, you must live with it. The ego will try to hide, it will run, but unless it accepts who it is, the ego will not surrender. Accepting that you made a mistake, said something wrong, or have lived a life with no love, that will wake you up. 


One way to find God. Risk over Reward.


Is all that we see or seem

But a dream within a dream?

- Edgar Allen Poe 

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The Ego resists acceptance. 

The Ego breeds resistance. 

The Ego loves existence 



INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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It's a catch 22.

The issue is, you don't really know what true courage is until you deeply awaken.

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52 minutes ago, Chakra Lion said:

There is this certain feeling one gets in the middle of the heart, this pressure of knowing something you did was wrong.

Yes i do feel that some times


53 minutes ago, Chakra Lion said:

Maybe you are faced with looking at yourself a certain way, asked to drop a belief or ideology that you have proudly held, and like a lost newborn, take on a new identity. 

Man I was a believer until the age of 32 then I became a militant atheist. I was pissed off at the world for being so stupid, for all the indoctrination etc. Being a militant atheist is just as awful as being a jesus fan boy freak.

Then during my first meditations I understood that all is nothing and nothing is all. So I was like: -''If I say god doesn't exist, I am saying god is nothing, but I just realized all is nothing and nothing is all so god is all.''

And BOOM! went full circle 2 paradigm shifts to end where I started.

Thing is I am still an atheist but I know God. That's a mind-fuck and paradox right there. I don't believe in god, I know god. Everyday I suspect more that I am god but IDK that for sure, and for me to know for sure will prolly take me to do some more Xanga-DMT trips. Which are no joke.

Honestly I am pretending I am just a human being. I know I am way more, but I am keeping it simple...for now.




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@Arcangelo I can definitely relate to being a “Jesus fan boy freak” and losing faith in humanity.
Maybe Atheist is just an identity you haven’t let go off, words don’t define you. I bet you have crazy life experiences, dmt takes a brave soul. Thanks for sharing ?

@Gnosis Courage is like a skill. First getting on a bicycle afraid of falling and ten years later riding down the hill with no handlebars and no helmet not caring for a thing. Maybe it becomes more reckless even, like a gambler risking millions on a single hand. But if we have the courage to fail, we definitely have to courage and will to try again. 

@Preety_India Gotta  ❤️ the Ego by being vulnerable. Nice quote :) 

Is all that we see or seem

But a dream within a dream?

- Edgar Allen Poe 

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The kind of courage I'm talking about is not a skill.

You'll understand what I mean when you do. ;)

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@Gnosis Explain more of this courage I know not??

Is all that we see or seem

But a dream within a dream?

- Edgar Allen Poe 

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@Chakra Lion

It's the courage to be Selfless even if it means your physical demise.

And it's not possible to explain.

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@Gnosis Jesus had the courage to be selfless and surrender himself to death. 

Is all that we see or seem

But a dream within a dream?

- Edgar Allen Poe 

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@Chakra Lion

I align a lot with many of your posts. Your views are very similar to mine. I'm more stage green. And I like that. I always think spirituality should be about empathy 

So I completely understand where you are coming from, it's very similar to my ways of thinking. 

Thank you for your contributions. 


INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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