
Info on criminals, mass shooters, terrorists, ect

4 posts in this topic

I would like to see some information on criminals, muderers, shooters, people that are genrally considered "bad guys" or the "evil one". Society often see them as faceless "evil doer" and rationalize to itself that they are bad from birth and that they are objectively evil. Mainstream media usually look at the surface of the problem, they only see the devilish action of these indivisuals without questioning the causes, and in a way they think crime is just something that appears outside of society and not a part of it. This happens at the cost of understanding the structure of this problem that is crime; why do people breaks the laws, why people kills each other, why are there terrorist blowing themselves up, ect. When these things happen, we ask "Why ? Why do these people exist ? Why are they so evil ?" And the cycle continue.

Let's shed some light on this problem:

Post videos, article, interviews, talks, ect... either from ex-criminals or just people that have a lot of insights on said topic.

Guy almost became a shooter

Here's a touching story about a guy that almost became a shooter. Instead of banning guns, the goverment (in America specifically speaking) should invest more into mental health care and raising the consciousness of it's citizens.

P/s i don't condone the act of terrorism, mass shooting, robbery, ect... Nor do i see any of the mentioned group of people as angels I simply want a different pov.

Edited by VerballyHazardous
Apparently the isis video is a fake one

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Isis video is fake one, shame on BBC to make fake videos. BBC such a big media has no respect towards its viewers. Lol ‘I raped 200 women’ this made me laugh. they are actors and they didn’t even got a good script

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Dark actions and dark thoughts begin with dark emotions. 

If everyone was emotionally purified they would be beaming love. 

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