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Healthy stage purple/red examples

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I'm doing a spiral dynamics art project.. I need some help finding examples of healthy stage purple and red historical people that are easily recognizable.

I was thinking along the lines of some kind of warlord/word leader or roman emperor for red. For purple I don't have a clue.

Would appreciate your help!!

...But what if the opposite is true?

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@Dwarniel stage red/purple are so low conscious that each and every traits they possess seem to be "evil' from the perspective of 90% of the world's population. You have to understand that most people in the world are at stage blue/orange/green. So it will be hard to find " positive" traits of red/purple and make it believable for the rest of the world. They can't simply accept that people can be that much ignorant.

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yanomami tribe - one of the most healthy purple tribes example ethnologically very good documented. in purple you don’t really find single people to stand out it’s usually the ethnological section.

you can probably find some purple/red leaders in warfarin tribes - all over american history. although their personality development might differ from the tribal stage. 

like with the yanomami you would probably find almost turquoise personalities.

red personalities are maybe king henry the 8. also it could be that catharina de medici was purple red, her tribal mystic power issue lead to the bartholomews day massacre. but these are really unhealthy examples.

Edited by remember

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Purple - mayans, acztecs, eskimos, nomads maybe, some african villages that practicetheir magicks


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1 hour ago, Annoynymous said:

@Dwarniel stage red/purple are so low conscious that each and every traits they possess seem to be "evil' from the perspective of 90% of the world's population. You have to understand that most people in the world are at stage blue/orange/green. So it will be hard to find " positive" traits of red/purple and make it believable for the rest of the world. They can't simply accept that people can be that much ignorant.

Say that to a Trump supporter ??


Thanks everyone! Still open for more suggestions ?

...But what if the opposite is true?

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Not sure how healthy red can be but maybe looking from their perspective a ruler or dictator who did not mercilessly kill his subjects but still gioverned with iron fist could be considered a stage red

I think Fidel Castro's regime could be a healthier stage Red. Maybe also Gaddafi in Lybia before being killed by the US army as the country seemed to thrive during his dictatorship but I don't know a lot of details into his politics. 

When we look at Roman Empire, most of the 14 emperors were somewhere between red and blue. You could say Augustus was an evolved stage red, as well as Tiberius where Nero was more aggressive form, the suspicious and malevolent type. Marcus Aurelius would be an evolved stage blue. 

Julius Cesar was a red dictator who exploited poor tribes of Galia although under his thyrany, the empire seemed to profit, one could say he was a "healthy" dictator. 

Ancient Sparta seems like a healthy red where Athens was already quite blue in that time. 

Healthy purple, you could look into Egyptian pharaohs,  Native Americans (Sitting Bull, Geronimo etc...), Mayans, Aztecs who were slaughtered by unhealthy red group of Spanish mercenaries under Hernan Cortez. 

Nowadays the inuit (escimo) people seem fairly purple


Edited by Michael569

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Thank you guys, really appreciate it ?

...But what if the opposite is true?

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“Many talk like philosophers yet live like fools.” — Proverb

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There was a thread about this. Try using the search.

Ratmen from the warhammer franchise are interesting... ;)

You asked for historical figures so maybe Genghis Khan. He did lead his tribes to glory.?‍♂️

“Many talk like philosophers yet live like fools.” — Proverb

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“Many talk like philosophers yet live like fools.” — Proverb

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1 hour ago, Derek White said:

There was a thread about this. Try using the search.

You asked for historical figures so maybe Genghis Khan. He did lead his tribes to glory.?‍♂️

I saw that thread already, didn't find what i was looking for. 

Yea I thought about him, interesting character. Not sure if he's the healthiest example though, but hard for me to be the judge of that. 

...But what if the opposite is true?

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51 minutes ago, Shiva said:

How about Hitler?

... nah, now that I think of it, he was probably more red/blue-ish...

the nazis were purple/red/blue (the purple part was not spread among all nazis somehow they only instrumentalized the purple part). hitler himself was more red/blue - toxic blue.


talking about healthy red... is red carpet stuff, royalty etc. competitiveness through looks etc. this can be more healthy or more toxic - fame/power oftentimes turns out toxic its not the people’s fault but the position and fame usually has some red aspects because the competitiveness comes along with it. healthy read can fuel toxic orange. pride has a lot to do with red. competitive sports also has red aspects - while sport for health is in the green section and yoga for example can have purple aspects (well yoga can have all spiral aspects).

Edited by remember

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Native Americans and most indigenous groups would be strong examples of healthy Purple.

Red is a bit tougher. The best ones I can think of though, you could use rap artists that are "woke" and more in touch with the healthy sides of their culture than most mainstream hip-hip.

Kendrick Lamar



Lupe Fiasco

They obviously have a lot of selfish trash mixed in with their music but they do talk about important things a lot of the time. Red is a pretty ego-centric stage, but these rap artists do make the case for healthy red aspects like standing up for yourself, being proud of your identity individually and collectively, the dangers of the organized oppression Blue is capable of etc.


Edited by Roy


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I think there are some famous Native American leaders who may fit the bill....

Quanah Parker  --->  Joe Rogan has a great interview with a historian (S.C. Gwynne) who wrote a book about this guy and the Comanches.


Sitting Bull

Crazy Horse

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@Roy LOL at putting Kendrick, 2pac & J.Cole at stage red. Kendrick is definitely stage green or green/yellow, Cole is definitely orange/green. Now that im thinking of it, through these examples i see the limits of the spiral dynamics model on an individual level. Its way too linear. 

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@Dwarniel An unhealthy manifestation of a Spiral Dynamics stage is just when its existence is threatened by higher stages.

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